It’s approaching that time of year again...SUMMER! ☀️
Now, while Partners Snake Avoidance can’t keep you and your dog cool outside, we CAN make sure you both stay SAFE in our lovely desert.
Sign up in moments here: partnersdogs.com/snake-avoidance/ and teach your pup to avoid rattlesnakes.
First-timers: $99
All Refreshers: $79 (Typically 1-2 times per year)
Also, we want to make sure you’re educated on Rattlesnakes and Snake Avoidance training.
Some facts about Partners Snake Avoidance:
-We were one of the first trainers to do snake avoidance training
-We have been doing it for 17+ years
-We have trained over 16,000 dogs to avoid the scent and sound of a rattlesnake
-Our system isn’t perfect but in our humble opinion, it’s the best that’s out there.
-We have dozens of 5-star reviews across Facebook, Google, and Yelp.
Here are some common misconceptions:
1. Rattlesnakes hibernate in the winter.
Not quite! While they are less active and thus, not spotted as often, they are still around! We still get Rattlesnake sightings in December and typically around the middle of February again as it starts to warm up.
2. Rattlesnakes don't live in the city
Unfortunately, because we live in this lovely desert environment, rattlesnakes can truly be EVERYWHERE. We often hear of Rattlesnakes being seen in backyards, even in crowded cities.
3. My house is snake-proofed
Unfortunately, snake fencing is not completely guaranteed. Snakes can find their way in, especially babies who have less control over their venom making them more dangerous.
4. My dog has been bitten and was fine
While some bites may be "dry bites" and venom isn't released, the risk is still too high. A rattlesnake bite can cause thousands of $$$ in medical bills, trauma, and there is no guarantee of survival. Additionally, being bitten does teach a negative association to the dog. So a dog can be bitten, and still go after the next rattlesnake they find.
5. My dog has already been trained!
That's awesome! We do recommend refreshers 1-2 times a year, depending on your dog and what we saw in training. Typically, after the first time, we like to see your dog 6 months after to make sure they don't become complacent. Learn more why refreshers are important here.
Sign up in moments here: partnersdogs.com/snake-avoidance/ and teach your pup to avoid rattlesnakes.