Gail Workman's Dog Training Made Easy located at the GG Iron Water Ranch 20 miles west of Cedar City, in the juniper hills high desert mountains. directions to the ranch from Cedar City, UT:
From I-15 to Cedar City, Take exit 59 200 N(State highway 56) turn west away from Cedar city, drive 20 miles, just before mile marker 39 turn left on 2400 S, go 1/2 mile and make your first left, you ar
e now following our fence line on the right, watch for the green gate, we are 2494 S 17300 W
Gail has her own unique style of training developed over many years of experience with training show dogs, obedience dogs, field dogs, agility dogs, tracking dogs, flyball dogs, rescue dogs, all breeds and sizes of dogs. many years of experience working through fears, phobia's, aggression, and dominance. Using the less adverse training possible to help you and your dog become bonded, well mannered in public and at home. Realizing that a dog is not a robot, but a thinking feeling animal who you must build a trusting relationship with mutual respect of the human canine companionship. Understanding that dogs have way more to offer us as a society we have just began to scratch the surface of a dogs abilities and what they offer as a canine companion, as a therapy dog. Gail believes in the natural abilities of the canine, we are more apt to learn more from them about them by observation of there behaviors. When you look at things from the dogs perspective it allows you to think like a dog,
You can be pack leader by gaining mutual respect. Every dog is different, just like people may need a different approach to learning something. they may need: more information, they may need more visual, they may need higher value rewards. All dogs were bred for survival, they are opportunist, and will take advantage of every opportunity if you do not learn how to use there everyday life rewards, your dog is learning 24/7 if your not training them they are training you. Rewards come in many ways, understanding what rewards are to your dog, and preventing self rewards. being careful not to reward your dog for the wrong behavior, remembering that touch, voice, eye contact, and an invitation are all rewards to your dog, make sure your not using them at the wrong time. Dogs listen and learn from your body language, before learning a vocal cue/command, if we remember this we can teach with quite cues saying it only once. dog training should be fun for both owner and dog, your special time together should be comfortable for you both. As a society clicker training has not yet been properly used or understood by the general public, to truly understand how a dog learns, proper timing in delivery of rewards, and timing of marking a behavior. Learning clicker training will improve your training skills. It does take skill to use properly, if not implemented properly it will not work, you need to believe ❤️ in positive training