Starsky and his stunt double (Stewart) got together after the "Dogs in the Park" event this afternoon.
Chai came to the "Small Challenges Course" yesterday for a little confidence building session.
He surprised us with his ability to take on the course "head on"
We just took his leash off and let him explore for about 10 mins.
Within a 1/2 hour he had it all figured out.
Starsky and Stella playing in the pool on a hot summer day!
Starsky is waiting for Santa Paws to arrive 😍.
Reward Based Dog Training for Cedar Rapids and the surrounding area.
Attention Dogs in the Park Participants ...
At 11:15 it started raining and the area in both parks will just be too wet to work. I think we'll postpone both groups until next Saturday at the same times and locations.
11am Hughes Park
1:30pm Cherry Hill Park
Please make sure that you message me or let me know if you can still attend next Saturday. If not, I'll need some time to fill any empty spots. I need to know by Thursday Morning at the latest. If I don't hear from you, I will assume that you can't make it and I'll fill the spot.
We will be starting up the "Dogs in the Park" events this weekend.
This is a 1-hour meet and greet for reactive dogs and their owners. We did several of these events last summer and it helped all of the dogs that participated.
If you have a reactive dog, and I have had at least one session with you, you are eligible to come. I'm going to keep the groups small (4-5 dogs) so that I can work with everyone.
If you are interested, message me, email me or call to be added to the group. This Saturday's event is full but we will be doing them most every weekend throughout the summer.
When Starsky gets bored he looks for ways to amuse himself. (I keep telling him not to play with his food)
Our morning play session was crazy (as usual) and Starsky all of the sudden went to the door and wanted outside. Then this happened ...