Our Friendly Iowa Spider-Man swung by Cedar Bend Humane Society, Inc. last week to drop off the donations we collected at RodCon 2023! He got to meet some of the super pets who are up for adoption and take pics with them! Most of them are among the longest residents at the shelter. They are all looking for a hero/heroic family who will be the right fit to finally give them their forever homes. Their adoption pages will be linked below for anyone who wants to open their hearts and home to any of them. Just look at all those adorable faces, how could anyone say no to them? Everyone deserves a loving family and home, including all of the animals up for adoption!
Thanks to RodCon/Rod Library for having us there for a good cause, and to spread positivity and bring smiles to faces! Thanks to all the staff, volunteers, vendors, and attendees who make RodCon the great con that it is, and to everyone who generously donated to CBHS! You're all true superheroes! Thank you for helping the heroes at CBHS and all of the wonderful animals they take care of! Until next time, stay heroic! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=555049183464198&id=100068773642528&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=RUbZ1f