Critter Crusaders received an emergency call for help this late afternoon from our friends at Heartland Humane Society in Ottumwa. This shelter has a tiny nine week old poodle puppy who was seen today at Iowa State University Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital Cardiology Service. The doctors came in and informed them that Millie was in heart failure. They called us immediately.
Millie is in heart failure from our old friend and nemesis, PDA, otherwise known as patent ductus arteriosus. We have taken this case and this tiny girl is hospitalized tonight in critical care. Millie will undergo emergency heart surgery tomorrow through CC. This will involve opening her chest (called a thoracotomy). The surgeons will expose her heart and work to ligate the ductus arteriosus vessel which should have closed at birth. This vessel shunts blood from the pulmonary artery to the aorta when a fetus is developing. When it doesn’t close shortly after birth, it shunts too much blood to the heart, causing it to work way too hard.
Millie is a itty bitty baby and this is a big surgery that carries risks of course. But she will die if we don’t act quickly. The goal of a long and healthy future is attainable. Closing off that vessel will ease the burden on her heart, hopefully ending the heart failure and allowing her little ticker the ability to shrink in size from lessening the work load. Like any other muscle in the body, if it is overworked, it will develop in size. For your biceps that’s a good thing….for your heart…it is not!
CC specializes in taking on the most complex medical and surgical cases at no cost for shelters and rescues all around Iowa. This is our wheelhouse and for the past seventeen years, our level of medical experience along with our mission of compassion has served the disadvantaged homeless pet population well. If you are so fortunate to donate to Millie’s critical care and surgery, we would so appreciate it. 100% of all donations will go directly to pay Millie’s estimated $7000 plus bill at ISU. She is worth every penny. We thank you so much.
If you chose not to donate via social media, our website donation gives a variety of options such as Venmo, PayPal, Apple and G pay along with all major credit cards.
Of course prayers and well wishes for Millie are of equal importance.❤️🐾
CCCR, PO Box 10111, Cedar Rapids, IA 52410.
Fed EIN:26-2821920.