Our thoughts are with all those impacted by the devastating Los Angeles wildfires. We understand the challenges faced by horse and livestock owners during this crisis and are here to support you. Below are resources to help ensure the safety of your animals:
Evac Services:
Compton Cowboys Offering evacuation services for horses affected by the wildfires.
Hold Your Horses Livestock Emergency Evacuation Response Team: Non-profit organization Offering help with boarding and evacuation support for horses and livestock. Please donate at: https://holdyourhorsesevac.com/
Emergency Equine Evacuation: A volunteer group offering transportation for horses and large animals from evacuation zones. Contact them at (818) 400-7100 for immediate assistance.
Pico Rivera Sports Arena - In collaboration with La Noria Entertainment, the City of Pico Rivera is providing free boarding for horses and large livestock displaced by the fires. Owners can bring their animals at any time, with staff available to assist. 
Pierce College - Located at 6201 Winnetka Ave, Woodland Hills, this facility is accommodating large livestock and pets. 
Animal Wellness Centers: Veterinarian Dr. Annie Harvilicz has opened her facilities to provide temporary shelter for pets, including horses and livestock. You can contact the Marina del Rey location at (310) 450-7387 or the Harbor City location at (310) 737-8600.
Hanson Dam Equestrian Center: Situated at 11127 Orcas Ave, Lake View Terrace, this center is open for large livestock. (https://hansendamhorsepark.com/)
City of Industry Expo Center: With 250 horse stalls available, this center at 16200 Temple Ave, City of Industry, is ready to shelter displaced horses.  (https://industryexpocenter.com/)
Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena: Set up as an animal refuge site.
LA Equestrian Center at 480 Riverside Drive — Open for evacuation of large animals. (https://thelaec.com/)
Westwood Recreation Center at 1350 South Sepulveda Boulevard — Open for evacuees and accepts small animals. It is also serving as a shelter, allowing residents to remain overnight. (https://www.laparks.org/reccenter/westwood)
Los Angeles Animal Care - https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/
Pasadena Humane Society: Providing shelter for displaced animals and seeking volunteers to foster large dogs. Contact them at (626) 792-7151 for assistance.
To everyone working to keep animals safe during this time, thank you for your courage and compassion. Let’s come together as a community to help however we can. 💪❤️
If any of the information above is incorrect, please PM us so we can update.