As summer begins, a reminder about the dangers of toxic blue-green algae. Dogs have become very sick, and some have died, after swimming in or swallowing water from Oregon lakes, rivers or streams affected by toxic blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria.
Poisonings are most likely to occur during warm, sunny weather when algae blooms are more intense and dense surface scums are present. Be on the lookout for waters that look suspicious — foamy, scummy, thick like paint, pea-green, blue-green or brownish red, or bright green cells suspended in the water column. When in doubt, stay out!
We post algae warnings that we are aware of at: https://oregonvma.org/news/toxic-algae-advisories ~ Note: Most Oregon waterways are not monitored.
Children and pets are particularly susceptible to toxic algae. Exposure to blue-green algae can result in:
* Weakness or collapse
* Nausea, vomiting
* Excessive drooling
* Abdominal pain
* Diarrhea
* Difficulty breathing
* Shaking, trembling
* Tremors, rigidity, paralysis
If Your Dog Does Go in the Water
* Don’t let your pet lick its fur.
* Wash your pet with clean water as soon as possible.
* If your dog shows the symptoms noted above after being in water, seek immediate veterinary care. Acute, life-threatening symptoms can develop rapidly. Death can occur within minutes to hours after exposure.
Treatment depends on the type of toxin and how much damage has occurred, and may include aggressive decontamination, labs to evaluate liver health, fluids to help flush the toxins out of the body, and activated charcoal. A dog may require aggressive care for shock, respiratory distress, or acute liver failure.