Another Happy Tail is in! Puppies take time, patience, and training too and his new family is more than happy to do what it takes to help him grow into a well behaved and well adjusted adult!
"I wanted to quickly follow up since it's been almost two weeks and I know you guys love hearing a positive follow up:)
Donnie, now Haku, is doing GREAT. He's assuredly a pistol pants shiba puppy, but considering that he had no formal training before coming here I'm beyond impressed with how far we've come in two weeks. Still having an accident or two daily, but again it's only been two weeks of formal potty training, and he's only going out once at night which is incredible. He does amazing in his huge crate when we step out, he loves to flip upside down to nap and enjoy his frozen kongs. Working on sit most days and he's mostly got it with hand guidance.
He's doing really well socializing around the house, very sweet with the cats, and so gentle with my human kids. The younger (4 y/o) female shiba is his favorite buddy, we often let them out together to play in the yard or around the house. The older male is going to take a little longer since he's grumpy but we're making slow and steady progress. He was like this for the female too so trusting the process! We just love this little dude, he's sweet as can be. Very amenable to nail clips, and is constantly being hauled around for snuggles through the day. He has his first vet visit later today, so he's on track for everything.
Thank you all so much for facilitating this little baby being able to join our home. "