The decision was made on Wednesday to bring Matilda home from Iowa State. They did an ultrasound and found that there were no intestines or organs in the hernia/pouch. We were given the option to have her undergo an 'exploratory' surgery to see what was happening with her incision or observe her either at home or at the university. After discussing with Cat Drose and our usual vet, we made the decision to bring Matilda home. She and her babies were distressed being separated. She is eating, drinking, and acting her usual Matilda self. We will be monitoring her very closely or 'like a hawk' as advised.
Matilda is all settled in. She'll be evaluated and spoiled. Check out that the swing of the hips on that one 😏
Hanging out with Bandit ❤️🐖
Matilda wins best greeting of the day
The Big 3's Watermelon Party
Smokey and Truffles wanted to show off their new area.
I do believe all they are missing is a cabana boy....
A very long overdue update.
Piggie storm clean up crew!