Amazing progress 2 weeks after TPLO surgery . Still long way to recovery but things are looking very good. #TPLOsurgery #RecoveryProgress #RoadToRecovery #PositiveOutlook #StayStrong
Healing starts today! 🏥🐾 These amazing dogs are on their way to stronger, healthier legs. #TPLOJourney #StrongerPaws. Two weeks Post TPLO
Eat cleaning and ear hair removal is important for all of our furry pets to avoid any yeast infection and ear infections in general! Always remember to pluck their ears either with the groomer or with us 🐶🫧👂🏽! #petlovers #earcleaning #vetlife #petstagram #hospital #fypage #video #clean #animalovers #vettech
Bull Dogs and their sweet grunt
Chip is happy ( real happy ) that his pneumonia is resolving is interested in food ( real interested ).
LifeCare Pet Hospital...... full service pet hospital in South Riding offering complete care for Dogs and Cats.
Meet “Sir Charles Maximus” . Tore his ACL of right knee. We will do TPLO surgery on him today and will get him to pain free walking and running in 8 weeks.
Does your dog need an ACL repair ? Call today for orthopedic consult 7036439818
Running puppy is a happy Puppy
Nothing better than seeing a puppy being a puppy after bone fracture repair. Orthopedics at LIfeCare Pet Hospital
What did we just removed from the skin of this Chihuahua puppy?
What did we just removed from the skin of this Chihuahua puppy?
Leave your answers in comments.
Matilda 6 weeks after her ACL ( called CCL in dogs ) surgery at LifeCare Pet Hospital . Matilda underwent TPLO surgery on 2nd August.
Snowball 16 days after her knee surgery ( both knees) at LifeCare Pet Hospital. Amazing recovery due to the best care provided by pet parents.
For all DOG lovers. Please don't give chew toys like these to your pet. If you cant bend it by your hands or won't smack your knee with it.... its too hard for their teeth.
Buster ( Doberman) fractured his big tooth chewing on an antler . Buster now has one less tooth but NO PAIN. Per Owner LifeCare Pet Hospital gave them best date and time for surgery and our cost was unbelievably affordable for them. Free oral exam and dental estimate. call 703-643-9818 to schedule.
Freaky Facts about Fleas
Surprising facts about fleas