Great description of the two seats! Which one do we use on course in the hunters?
Two VASTLY different seats.
 The forward seat and the deep seat both absolutely have their places! But what you don’t want to do is smoosh the two together!
There is no in between- you either want to have a shorter stirrup, a very deep heel, and a tight “sandbag leg”, or you want to sit deep and heavy and plug in those seat bones with a long draped leg.
The Forward seat gets its security from the mid-thigh down. I compare it to those inflatable clowns 🤡🥊with the sand in the bottom that kids box- no matter what you do to those suckers they pop right back upright again because all the weight is in the bottom!!! That’s what it feels like in a secure forward seat.
In a good deep seat, your lower leg, just dangles. Heck, you could get cut off at the knees and it not change much, because your security comes from your glutes and core! In the deep seat, it is so important that your hips move with the horse, and that your core stabilizes your spine.
Both of these pictures are me and I’m riding the same horse.