Get one for yourself or another dog lover in your life. I’m the artist, Doug Wilkerson, and live near Chapel Hill, North Carolina. My son Braden is my business partner and manages our website, sales and marketing while I focus on painting. We had the unique opportunity of attending the same Art and Design College in Michigan prior to moving here. Having spent most of my working life in skilled tra
des, I wanted to add some tools for the creative side of building/design and decided to go to art school at the same time he was choosing an Industrial Design program. We graduated together four years later. And though not the whole story, it provided great memories. I have a lineage of family business and appreciate being able to continue that with Only Dog Art. What started with painting our Weimaraner for fun and long-term enjoyment has grown into a creative outlet that expresses my connection with dogs. A desire with my portraits is to give the viewer a sense of connection regardless of having experience with the dog. I work to capture universal qualities or individual traits that define personality. Often candid or creative photos capture this inherent ability for relationship that elevates many dogs to being members of the family. The large format magnifies, while the white background keeps the viewer exploring the subject. In some cases, the perspective chosen gives us a sense of a dog’s vantage point. The limited palette has a point-in-time quality similar to black and white photography and when color does enter, I keep it minimal. Whether an original or print, my interest is to create art which resonates not only with dog owners, but those who simply love dogs. We hope you enjoy the art as much as we do!