Park rules:
Everyone is responsible for their own dog and it's actions, including but not limited to: attacks on both dogs and humans, waste pick up after their dog, digging of holes, and other actions of their dog. Each person is limited to two dogs during their visit inside the fenced in area. Any dog showing signs of aggression should be removed from the premises immediately. No puppies under t
he age of four (4) months are allowed, due to vaccinations and age. No female dogs in heat allowed. Prior to entering and upon leaving the fenced area, all dogs must be leashed. Leashes are to be no more than 6 feet in length. No pinch, prong, or spike collars on dogs are allowed. Owners must closely supervise their dogs and, at no time, can leave them alone. Children under 16 years old must be supervised by adults. No children under the age of five (5) are permitted in the park. (Small children, especially running children, may be regarded as prey animals by strange dogs.) No food or drink is allowed in the fenced in area of the dog park (for both humans and dogs.) Smoking and alcohol are not permitted. No wheeled vehicles are allowed in the park unless used for a disability. All dogs in the dog park must have their vaccinations up-to-date, including rabies and parvo. Owners must be able to show vaccination information on request while visiting. Dog owners who do not adhere to the rules set by the City of Chariton and the Dog Park Committee will be requested to leave and/or banned from future use of the dog park.