The girls are happy with their gift! #savinggracefarmwv #farmanimalrescue #nonprofit #CharlestownWV #farmanimalsanctuary #charlestonwvlocals #charlestown #charlestownwv
Mister AJ is doing well in quarantine. I can’t wait to get him home!!! #savinggracefarmwv #CharlestownWV #nonprofit #farmanimalsanctuary #farmanimalrescue #charlestownwv #charlestown #charlestonwvlocals #charlestonwvlocals #charlestonwv #horserescue
Rugby and Peter Gabriel (PG). We did some moving around of fields today for the winter and everyone was wound up and feeling good! #savinggracefarmwv #charlestownwv #nonprofit #horserescue #charlestown #farmanimalsanctuary #charlestonwvlocals #charlestonwv #farmanimalrescue
Harley ❤️. #savinggracefarmwv #farmanimalrescue #charlestonwv #charlestown #nonprofit #charlestonwvlocals #farmanimalsanctuary #charlestownwv #horserescue
A couple of our horses need some weight before winter, Rugby and Harley. So they get fed morning and evening. Morning consists of an alph alpha mash with lots of calories. #savinggracefarmwv #nonprofit #charlestown #charlestownwv #farmanimalrescue #charlestonwvlocals #farmanimalsanctuary #charlestonwv #horserescue
Pure pumpkin joy 🐽🐽. #savinggracefarmwv #charlestownwv #farmanimalrescue #charlestonwv #nonprofit #charlestown #farmanimalsanctuary #charlestonwvlocals
Lavec being Lavec. Silly boy ❤️🐴. #savinggracefarmwv #nonprofit #charlestownwv #horserescue #farmanimalrescue #charlestonwvlocals #charlestown #farmanimalsanctuary #charlestonwv
Lavec feeling good and lovin life! #savinggracefarmwv #farmanimalsanctuary #farmanimalrescue #charlestonwv #charlestownwv #nonprofit #charlestown #charlestonwvlocals #horserescue
Oh that feels so good!! #savinggracefarmwv #charlestonwvlocals #farmanimalsanctuary #nonprofit #farmanimalrescue #charlestownwv #charlestown
Baby Huey had surgery this week. One of his testicles was up in his abdomen so the vet had to open him up and go looking for it. Anytime you have to put a pig under anesthesia it’s nail biting, many don’t do well under. Happy to report Huey and our fantastic vet did great and he is healing up nicely! #savinggracefarmwv #charlestownwv #nonprofit #charlestonwv #farmanimalsanctuary #farmanimalrescue #charlestonwvlocals #charlestown
I love all creatures and this guy has had me mesmerized for days. His purpose in life is just as important as mine. #savinggracefarmwv #farmanimalrescue #nonprofit #farmanimalsanctuary #charlestownwv #charlestonwvlocals #charlestonwv #charlestown
Charlee, one of our volunteers, doing some ground work with Key! #savinggracefarmwv #horserescue #charlestown #farmanimalsanctuary #farmanimalrescue #charlestownwv #charlestonwvlocals #nonprofit #charlestonwv