Cold are has these guys acting a little nutty!
#barnlife #freshhorses #horselife #sillyhorse #smallbusiness #sunset
The grinch stole my pony 😂😂😂
#thegrinch #thethethegrinch #swipernoswiping #ottb #horsesofinstagram #smallbusiness #barnlife #horselife #womanownedbusiness #horsebackriding #merrychristmas #ilovemyjob
Just a little hay ASMR for you guys also isn't Goose just the cutest boy ever! 😍
#horselife #barnlife #smallbusiness #horsesofinstagram #ottb #ottbsofinstagram #asmr #sosatisfying #equestrainworld #lovemyjob #womanowned #womanowned
Someone's a little itchy 😂
#horselife #horsesofinstagram #horselife #arabianhorse #smallbusiness #lovemyjob #womanowned #sillyhorse #equestrianbrandambassador #horsestagram #horselover
Sugar cube ASMR 😂
#barnlife #horselife #lovemyjob #smallbusiness #asmr #snacks #horsesnacking
So proud of my little niece
#agirlandherpony #smallbusiness #horselife #equestrianbrandambassador #womanownedbusiness #barnlife #horsesofinstagram #lovemyjob #womanowned #marshtackyhorse #horseriddinglessons #futureequestrian
So excited to share this product from Simple Equine purchased from @sohoequestrian
#saddlesoap #brandambassador #equestrianbrandambassador #horselife #tack #saddle #pessoasaddle #smallbusiness #womanowned #equestrainlife #lovemyjob
I can't get over this sweet boy and how much he loves this pony. Bubbles is so patient with him and Warren just adores Bubbles. Time to buy the boy a pony #pony #justaboyandhispony #smallbusiness #womansownedbusiness #horsebackriding #wholesome #boymom #womanfarmer #thenextgeneration #farmkid #animalovers #workhardplayhard #startemyoung #littlefarmer #ranchkid #livingmybestlife
The thing about teaching kids to ride horses is you have to be patient, kind, understanding of their fears and able to adapt to different kids and different situations. When a child is nervous taking their mind off of their fears helps so much! Some techniques I like to use are having kids so different things with theirs hands such as putting them on their head or holding them out like a bird while counting to 5. Another thing I like to do with the super little ones is have them sing a song with me! This little one helped me sing the wheels on the buss!
#thewheelsonthebus #teachingkids #horsebackriding #barn #horselife #aqha #riddinghorses #equestrianbrandambassador #smallbusiness #horselife #womanownedbusiness #equestrian #quarterhorse