This little weirdo being her strange silly self this morning
A house full of Goldens for the next week! But it’s not always easy going 😂 sometimes when there is so many pups demanding attention you don’t notice somethings right away. But you can certainly hear when I spot the problem in at the end of the video 😂
Some days you just really need puppy cuddles, and thankfully I had sweet Ms Laney booked for today!
The fan favorites, Bella and Sam, got a new addition to their family!
Dusty got to test out all the levels on the water hose!
The girls have two very different ways of enjoying the water 😂 but both are super cute!
Georgie’s first day!!
Everyone meet Georgie!!
He is my newest client and is the sweetest German shepherd (who absolutely doesn’t know the word stranger 😂)
Sadly I wasn’t able to get a good picture of him since he’s so wiggly so this video was the best I was able to get to show his cute face!
Sweet Alro just wanted some cuddles this afternoon ❤️❤️
Poor Winston loved the weather this morning and absolutely didn’t want to go inside.
It did give him a massive wave of energy though 😂 his cute little tantrum ❤️
Zolton and Nigel
I think it’s definitely safe to say that Zolton has recovered from surgery and is back to his old self!
Spending some time with Nola this weekend!!
Kitten play time!
These two are just the cutest things 🥺