My father passed away suddenly and unexpectedly one evening in 2019 from a major cardiac event. He walked into the store, reached for a cart, and was gone.
9 out of 10 people who suffer cardiac arrest outside the hospital die. In most of those cases, bystander CPR was not performed. But we can change this.
Cardiac arrests happen at work, in homes, on athletic fields and in neighborhoods everywhere, and the readiness of our community can be the difference between life and death.
EMS worked on my father all the way to the emergency room, but it was too late to save him. It's not too late to save somebody else's loved one from the same fate.
Losing my father to his big heart left our family reeling, but the one thing that was a steady constant was the outpouring of love and heartbreak from family, friends, and complete strangers alike.
It is clear that mine was not the only life made infinitely better by his inimitable spirit, nor the only life forever changed by a heart-related death. It's time to unite, take action, and save lives.
Every dollar donated, means more people trained in lifesaving CPR, more research and more lifesaving moments for everyone. Together, we can turn bystanders into lifesavers.
Anyone who would like to come join us in honoring his life is welcome. I Walk to Save Lives. Join me. Spread the word. Help me reach my goal today.
- CB
The Heart Walk is the American Heart Association's premiere event for raising funds to save lives from USA's #1 and #5 killers - heart disease and stroke.