W A T E R + D O G S
Simple enough, right? & for the most part it is, but here are some tips/tricks/things to look out for when watering your dog.
How much?
From puppies➡️adults, our dogs need abt 1oz of water per lbs. Ladybird (in the video above) is abt 50lbs, so she needs 50oz/day. If your puppy is 16lbs, then they need 16oz of water a day. Puppies esp get mesmerized when drinking & don’t realize how much they’ve had & too much water, while usually not a bad thing, CAN contribute to accidents.
What if my dog is drinking too much water?
It could be a habit. If it’s a puppy, pull the water up, esp before bedtime. That way they’re more likely to sleep through the night without accidents or waking you up to go potty.
If it’s an older dog, assess the situation. Is it possible they exercised more than normal or were hotter that day? Has he been drinking and peeing a lot more than normal? He may just need the extra water, or it could be an early sign of a health problem. Monitor and talk to your vet about it if you think it’s excessive.
What quality of water?
Think about what you’d like to drink! Dogs probably don’t care too much about the temperature or how filtered the water is, but they do care about how clean and fresh it is (and you should too!). Make sure your dog is drinking fresh water from a clean dish!
Your dog may like puddle/pond/or stagnant water. Bad news!!! So do parasites and leptospirosis! Our dogs are regularly treated for both (heart worm and flea& tick meds as well as their annual vaccines), but that doesn’t mean risk it! Stagnant/dirty water can cause infections and diarrhea. If they have outdoor water stations, make sure to empty & clean them regularly to prevent sickness & help prevent mosquitoes.
Why won’t my dog drink!?
Could be a lot of things. I like to refresh the water/clean the bowl when my dog seems hesitant. Then, if she still won’t drink, I don’t force her. You can lead a dog to water but you can’
We love a bossy lab!
Merle is full of piss&vinegar. But he’s so smart!
Sometimes, (read: MOST OF THE TIME) we come across a dog that we think is so bull headed, so crazy, so vocal that the owners worry that even training won’t fix it.
Turns out, it’s the absolute best thing for the dog. A dog that DRIVES YOU CRAZY probably has a LOT of working drive and is too smart for their own good.
They’re the kid who teachers struggle with, not because they’re not smart but because they’re so smart that class is boring.
They need a challenge.
And guess what? We know just the challenge to give them and we can show you how too.
No more bossy, loud, crazy dog; you’ll have an obedient, goofy, EXCITED dog who wants to work WITH you and FOR you.
Call at 843-900-6884
Book at chambersk9training.com
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Shout out to @kindttammy for training Luna so well!
We love our board and trains and we’re pretty sure they love us too! (I mean look at Luna’s face!)
We still have availability for Board and Train this summer before school starts (or when school starts as you get back in the swing of things)!
Call or text us at 843-779-8303 or schedule an eval via our website!
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Be careful out there in this heat😂
Kessi is quite the catch
Grady working with his dog Bella on some off leash skills. Here they are practicing down in motion.
Working on "automatic sit" and heeling with Nimbus. Nimbus is like alot of dogs. He would pull on the leash and had no idea what a structured walk is. Now he's getting it. Next up, he will start learning off leash
There is no better feeling than having a dog that is well trained and reliable off leash. Years ago I dreamed of being able to trust my dog when he was off leash. Its so much fun to watch him get to be a dog. Echo was a rescue from the Aiken Animal Shelter. He was skiddish and timid when I first got him. Its amazing to see how far he's come.
Automatic sit and heeling work
This is Maddie working with her dog Lilly on the "automatic sit" and heeling around distractions. We used my pup and passing cars as distractions during this exercise.
This is Fern. He started training with me a few weeks ago and is doing amazing! He has a few issues. Mainly with other dogs and he is uncertain of new people. He needs a new forever home. His current owners are having some serious medical issues and arent able to keep him. I will continue the training with him with whomever adopts him. Please share this post and help me find a home for Fern