that feeling when you stick a catch as a new decoy learning with a fast dog 🤧
Grateful to have two up and coming decoys to help trial prep older dogs and learn proper mechanics with those dogs - good safe dogs are essential in the learning process. Proud of Rowan and Gavin for learning!
#protectionsportassociation #decoydevelopment #workingbelgianshepherd #dogprotectionsports
Club tomorrow at 6pm! It might be a rainy one ☔️
dog: ghost // @ghost.theblackgsd
📷: @corbincanines
#protectionsportsassociation #knpvdutchshepherd #biteworktraining
Bane getting to have the honor to break in the new @dogarmourpro hidden leg sleeve this past weekend! Clearly Bane had the time of his life 🤩
#protectionsportsassociation #knpv #protectiondogs
Club tomorrow at 9am!!! Ending 2023 the right way with training 💚
Brulé learning to use his long legs and looking 🤩🤩 while doing it
#protectionsportsassociation #knpv #knpvdutchshepherd
Mara & Tray working with Patrick this past weekend with can curtains and being speedy when being recalled off the decoy!
#protectionsportsassociation #knpvdogs #protectiondogs
Danny & Deimos during obedience last Wednesday
#protectionsportsassociation #competitionobedience #psaclub #dogsofcharleston
Savannah and Easy obedience session yesterday was 💅🏻
#protectionsportsassociation #dutchshepherds #competitionobedience
Look at Miss Athena!
Club tomorrow at 9!! 🤝🏼
#protectionsportsassociation #biteworktraining #charlestondogs
Having people more than willing to get in the suit and learn to decoy >>>>
A few club members were getting a lesson from @trayandteeth about catching and driving a leg dog last night. Miss Mara being the best and showing them the ropes 🤩
#protectionsportsassociation #dutchshepherdsofinstagram #decoytraining
Another Sunday, another club day, and another scorching hot one, but everyone did great! We couldn’t be more thankful for our decoy Tray who is willing to work dogs in this heat 🥵🥵
#protectionsportsassociation #dutchshepherds #germanshepherdsofinstagram #belgianmalinoisofinstagram #biteworktraining
Heeling, heeling, and more heeling for all the club members last Wednesday during obedience!! 🥸
#protectionsportsassociation #competitionobedience #dogsofcharleston #dogtrainingcharleston #dogsports