InFURmation UnLEASHed on tips and tricks to keep your pet safe during Valentines. Dr. Rains explains the best ways to enjoy the holiday plus keep your pets safe.
#ClementsFerryVet #clementsferryveterinary #clementsferryveterinaryfamily #inFURmationunLEASHed #charleston #mountpleasant #danielisland #valentinesday #Valentines #safe
DoctorVet Laser We'd like to introduce a new member of our CFV family, Hershey the 6 year-old Labrador who came to us with back-leg weakness. She had something to share after her 6th laser visit with us.
#clementsferryveterinary #cfvfamily #clementsferryvet #labradorretrievers
National Reptile Awareness Day!! Today we wanted to share one of our staff's reptiles. Bringing awareness to the importance all creatures have on this earth. Each have an important role.
This day is meant to educate the public about reptiles, their importance in ecosystems, and the need to protect their habitats. Reptiles are often misunderstood and feared, but they are fascinating creatures that have adapted to survive in many different environments. They play a vital role in ecosystems by controlling pests and being part of the food chain.
#nationalreptileawarenessday #reptile #clementsferryveterinary #clementsferryvet #clementsferryveterinaryfamily #danielisland #mountpleasant #charleston
National Fetch Day!! Enjoy this epic fail of fetching a treat!! Watch the determination!!
#clementsferryveterinary #clementsferryvet #clementsferryveterinaryfamily #family #nationalfetchday #fetch #golden #goldenretriever #charleston #mountpleasant #danielisland
Talk with Doc Tuesdays starring Dr. Rains on allergies
Talk with Doc Tuesday. Starring Dr Rains discussing allergies. Call or text us with any questions.
#clementsferryveterinary #clementsferryvet #clementsferryveterinaryfamily #veterinarian #allergies #mountpleasant #danielisland #charleston #talkwithdoc #drrains
Listen UP!! World Avocado Today. We wanted to give you some important information on pets and avocados. According to the Pet Poison Helpline. Avocados contains a toxin called persin, but only certain species of animals are poisoned by persin. While dogs and cats are rarely affected by persin, avocado poisoning can be deadly to birds and large animals (such as cows, goats, sheep). The bigger risk to dogs and cats is a foreign body obstruction in the esophagus, stomach, or intestinal tract if part or all of a large avocado seed is swallowed. Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is also possible due to the high fat content in avocado. Pet Poison Helpline
Indiana showing us her tricks!! Send us your pets and all the fancy tricks they can do!!
#clementsferryveterinary #clementsferryvet #clementsferryveterinaryfamily #family #mountpleasant #charleston #danielisland
Get your 4th of July medications that are needed for your anxious pets!! Contact us so they don't have to suffer another trembling, hiding and crying holiday!!
#clementsferryveterinary #clementsferryvet #veterinarian #vet #mountpleasant #danielisland #charleston #fireworks #4thofjuly
When you have questions where should I take my pet? Check out a couple of our suggestions. Starring Zeus!!
#clementsferryveterinary #clementsferryvet #clementsferryveterinaryfamily #veterinarian #emergencyclinic #primaryveterinarian #emergencies #danielisland #charleston #charlestonsc #mountpleasant #petsofcharleston #dogs #dogsofcharleston #family #reelsvideoシ
National Cheese Day!! One of our favorite ways to have a Fear Free experience is to give our patients treats throughout the appointment. Squeeze cheese is one of our favorite ways.
#nationalcheeseday #cheese #fearfree #clementsferryveterinary #clementsferryvet #clementsferryveterinaryfamily #danielisland #mountpleasant #charleston
Talk with Doc Tuesday starring Dr. Padgett!! Discussing Lyme disease for National Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Contact our office to schedule a consultation for prevention or vaccine. Stay Tuned for Part 2
#nationallymediseaseawarenessmonth #lymedisease #lyme #lymevaccine #prevention #clementsferryveterinary #clementsferryvet #clementsferryveterinarfamily #mountpleasant #charleston #danielisland