SIT. by Kit

SIT. by Kit AKC CGC Evaluator, Fetch Judge, and new Steward. We train pets, service, and sport dogs of all breeds

COLD water will not cause injury and could save your pets life. Always refresh yourself on the signs of heat stroke when...

COLD water will not cause injury and could save your pets life. Always refresh yourself on the signs of heat stroke when working dogs in the summer, w especially very young or old dogs, or dogs that are less acclimated to heat.

Is it true that if we use cold water on heat stroke pets they will go into shock?

One of the most common things we still hear is that we can only use tepid water on a pet with heat stroke, incase they get some complications like hypothermic overshoot, peripheral vasoconstriction hindering a cooling response, and cardiogenic shock...

We have heard not to use cold water in case it causes shock... this rarely happens!

But guess what? In a recent study over 26% of dogs presented with heat stroke died, with flat faced breeds making up nearly half of heat stroke cases seen in the study.

You should:

💧Get someone to call the local veterinary practice and tell them you're going to travel down with a heat stroke patient
💧Pour, hose or if possible immerse the pet in very cold water (this should obviously be done under constant supervision, ensuring the head is fully above water and immersion should not be attempted if the animal is too large, or you are unable to do so without hurting yourself)
💧NB: If using a hose pipe, make sure it has run through until cold, as they can often contain water that is extremely hot in the tubing initially
💧Do not drape in towels and leave them in situ. Keep the cold water flowing.
💧Move to a cool, shaded area
💧Prepare to transport to vets in a cold, air conditioned car

In studies they found that:

🌅International consensus from sports medicine organisations supports treating EHS with early rapid cooling by immersing the casualty in cold water.
🌅Ice-water immersion has been shown to be highly effective in exertional heat stroke, with a zero fatality rate in large case series of younger, fit patients.
🌅Hyperthermic individuals were cooled twice as fast by Cold Water Immersion as by passive recovery.
🌅No complications occurred during the treatment of three older patients with severe heat stroke were treated with cold‐water immersion.
🌅Cold water immersion (CWI) is the preferred cooling modality in EHS guidelines and the optimal method applicable to UK Service Personnel
🌅Studies suggest using either ice-water or cold-water immersion

The best intervention is PREVENTION, but if you find yourself with an animal with heat stroke, using cold water either by pouring, hosing or ideally (if safe) immersion then this may help reduce their temperature to safe levels while you transport to a veterinary practice.

Read more below:

If you adopt a pet from a Full Shelter program like below, contact me for reduced pricing on training services! All dogs...

If you adopt a pet from a Full Shelter program like below, contact me for reduced pricing on training services! All dogs and families deserve the peace of mind that good training allows.

Teaching puppies to behave in families with children also means teaching children to respect a dogs space. Teaching your...

Teaching puppies to behave in families with children also means teaching children to respect a dogs space. Teaching your children to not interfere during these 4 every day activities your dog needs to be healthy will keep their relationship strong and avoid accidents. 💕

Family mottos last a lifetime. Let this be yours!

In a world where dogs are misunderstood, be one who understands.


This is INSANE 😱 (via OptaJack/X)


All in person lessons on temporary hold, Kit has to have ankle surgery and will only be able to do virtual lessons for the next few weeks.


If lions can be trained to emergency recall, so can your dog! Do not give up hope!

This is huge, and I totally agree! Being able to train with means being able to train the dog in front of you, regardles...

This is huge, and I totally agree!
Being able to train with means being able to train the dog in front of you, regardless of their food and toy drive, regardless of what tools you regularly use with no problems. Being able to problem solve for the benefit of the dog allows up to use the least aversive methods while also being EFFECTIVE at producing the long term change in behavior we want.

Dog Trainer "Raise your Paws if You Agree" PSA for the Day:

If your dog trainer uses the exact same tools on every dog and can't train a dog without those tools, they aren't a particularly good trainer.

If they use those exact same tools in the exact same way on every dog, then they are an unskilled "trainer" who doesn't deserve the title.

If all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail. A good trainer has multiple tools and skills in the toolbox, because training dogs is NOT a one sized fits all scenario.

This includes being unable to train without treats, a particular collar, remote collar, whatever.

Dogs have different temperaments, owners have different needs and skill levels. Training needs to be fitted to the dog and owner, not forcing them into the trainer's limited comfort zone.

(And if your trainer's only method involves lighting a dog up with with a remote collar to the point they vocalize, they are a straight garbage trainer. Run, don't walk, to someone with some skills. Remote collars aren't the issue. Unskilled trainers are)

~Kat Carter
Hound's Tooth Academy


Do you possess financial expertise and a commitment to supporting our nonprofit's mission? Disabled Hikers is seeking a dedicated individual to serve as our Board Treasurer.



This is one of the biggest myths, and probably the most damaging, in the industry. It continues to be perpetuated, despite being thoroughly debunked several decades ago.

Unfortunately, the meaning of “dominance” in dog training has been blurred and misunderstood. Dominance theory is commonly thought to be based on the belief that a dog behaves in the same way that a wolf would; this belief stems from early, flawed studies carried out on captive grey wolves, to demonstrate how they live and behave within their family unit. One of the first, most influential studies occurred in 1947 under Rudolph Schenkel, from the Zoological Institute of the University of Basel, in Switzerland.

Although Schenkel’s study was very detailed, it was flawed; the wolves studied were not, in fact, a family unit, but adult, individual wolves that were contained in a small enclosure outside of their natural environment. As the wolves were unrelated, the dynamics and interactions between them differed greatly from those of a family unit living in harmony; the close proximity of other unknown wolves would have been a source of great tension. Schenkel interpreted this tension as competition for rank within the “pack” and, unfortunately, this soon transferred into dominance theory for those dealing with and handling dogs.

The results of this study are still drawn on today in order to justify certain dog training methods, and much poor advice is given. This includes, but is not limited to:

*Always eat before your dog

*Do not let them go through doorways before you

*Do not allow them to walk ahead of you

*Do not allow them on your bed or furniture

*Affection and attention should be earned, rather than freely given

*Do not allow them to win during play, as they will gain the upper hand

*All dogs want to be the “pack leader” and are in constant battle with you to attain this role

And so on. These outdated beliefs are very damaging to the relationship you share with your dog and can lead to fear, anxiety, and even aggression.

However, since Rudolph Schenkel’s study, further research was carried out, and in the 1980s, another influential study emerged from American biologist David Mech, which highlighted the flaws in the earlier pack and dominance theory. This study was substantial; it was carried out over the course of thirteen summers, and reflected the true nature of the wild wolf pack being a family unit which lived peacefully, more akin to a human family.

We now know that:

*There is no reason to eat before your dog, as it makes no difference to them.

*Going through doorways before your dog is only encouraged from a safety point of view and for the sake of manners, but has no bearing on how a dog views himself or his “status”.

*It doesn’t matter what position he assumes on a walk, although it is useful to see what he is doing and to engage fully with him, so it is helpful for him to be beside or in front, rather than behind.

*Ignoring your dog when returning home can cause him to feel stressed; it is much kinder to teach an acceptable behaviour such as a sit, or hand them a toy and then make a fuss.

*Play can be initiated by either you or your dog. It is important to let him win so that he doesn’t become bored, or no longer wishes to interact. Playing tug and allowing him to win frequently can help to build confidence and resilience. It is also a great way to teach him to return a toy to you or take it from you, which can also help build pauses into play to regulate arousal levels.

Behaviour issues have frequently been attributed to “dominance,” but when investigated, they often stem from fearfulness. An example of this is the reactive, barking and lunging dog who at first glance appears to be aggressive towards others, but he is simply behaving in this way as a distance-increasing tactic to put space between him and the thing that he is frightened of. It could not be further from the label of “dominance,” and would be very damaging to the reactive dog for him to be regarded in this way, in terms of dealing with their fear effectively and kindly.

Dominance is not a personality trait, it is a fluid state dependent upon the value of a particular resource at a given moment. Beware of anyone calling themselves a professional, yet refers to "dominant dogs". Run like the clappers!

© Trailie Paws For Thought

I'm very happy for all of my content to be shared, but please do not copy and paste (to avoid sharing from source), screenshot, or download any part of it. THANK YOU! 🐾 🐾

NatBA IntBA HnrBA Mount Mazama’s In Acacia You Need Me TKN VHMP VHMA FTI “Snorkel” had a blast at her Fetch event recent...

NatBA IntBA HnrBA Mount Mazama’s In Acacia You Need Me TKN VHMP VHMA FTI “Snorkel” had a blast at her Fetch event recently. Fetch is a brand new all-breed AKC sport, and we hope to be able to run some trials soon!

New environments can be hard! Especially when there are tool sounds, bells, men shouting in the work bays, smells, and s...

New environments can be hard!

Especially when there are tool sounds, bells, men shouting in the work bays, smells, and strangers (aka NEW FRIENDS!)

Snorkel did a great job with her first auto shop outing, and was a great example of ”Slow is Fast” when it comes to service dog training.

[Photo Description: a small black standard poodle is in a down-stay position beside Handler’s feet. There is a rug in the center of the floor and a person sitting on the other side that the puppy is ignoring.]


What do you think? 🧐🧐🧐


“My dog does xyz behavior!”
Give them a proper outlet! For dogs that chase, let them chase in appropriate scenarios and their call off when it counts will be better. For dogs that are mouthy, let them bite appropriate toys and redirect away from your hands and shoes. And always look into the breeds that make up your dog, it may give you clues to their play style!

A local business that I love, Sam is very kind and would be great to work for. 💕

A local business that I love, Sam is very kind and would be great to work for. 💕

If you have horse experience & are looking for a little more barn time, here is your chance!

We are seeking reliable & knowledgable weekend help for 2-3 weekends per month. We are hoping to find someone who is able to be consistent & is looking to become a long term member of our team. Attention to detail and reliability are a must. Preference is to find someone who can do AM/PM both Sat/Sun as we frequently go to horse shows over weekends. Because of this, living close to Troutman NC is important. Other opportunities are also available to the right person. This would be a great opportunity for a responsible high school age teen with reliable transportation!
This is a boarding facility with between 10-15 horses. Duties will include feeding, turnout/bringing in, cleaning stalls daily, blanketing, and other basic care. We are looking to bring someone on ASAP, compensation to be discussed. Please send a PM or call/text 704-960-9686 if you are interested! We are located in Troutman NC.

Testing the boys in a busy fast food environment, seeing if we react to dropped chicken. Part of our periodic evaluation...

Testing the boys in a busy fast food environment, seeing if we react to dropped chicken. Part of our periodic evaluations to check the progress of program dogs! Everyone did very well, especially CTM Tanner who is just 7 months old! Continuing the Mission is a program I’m happy to serve that provides fully task trained service dogs to veterans. 💕


Congratulations to our AKC Star Puppies and handlers. Thank you, Mazey and Henry for joining our class, our wonderful volunteers and puppy raisers, and Kit Steiss for being our evaluator. .by.kit

Brilliant management! A huge focus on positive reinforcement training is preventing your pup from reinforcing undesirabl...

Brilliant management! A huge focus on positive reinforcement training is preventing your pup from reinforcing undesirable behaviors through management. This will definitely go into my toolbox for counter surfers!

Management is something every trainer I know talks about - it’s one of the first conversations I have with clients. Baby gates, x-pens, leash tethers, the list goes on…

I’ve always thought I was good at finding adaptive solutions but today I walked into a lesson and was blown away by the genius of my client! Their dog is a big boy who loves to counter surf, but also struggles with being confined.

Look at this beautiful AND creative solution they came up with! This is a portable ping pong net 🤯 I am so in love with this and was so impressed with their ingenious idea.

You can find them on Amazon - get one while you can because I think this is gonna be a new trend 😂

We loved getting to test these sweet pups who are on their way to being Service Dogs for veterans! 🥰

We loved getting to test these sweet pups who are on their way to being Service Dogs for veterans! 🥰

Congratulations to our AKC Star Puppies and handlers. Thank you, Mazey and Henry for joining our class, our wonderful volunteers and puppy raisers, and Kit Steiss for being our evaluator. .by.kit

NACSW scentwork seminar! Did you know that a dogs’ olfactory center takes up about 80% of their brain capacity? Scent ga...

NACSW scentwork seminar! Did you know that a dogs’ olfactory center takes up about 80% of their brain capacity? Scent games are an incredible way to play with and challenge your dog in a fun game they’re naturally built for. Any dog can participate regardless of breed or physical disability as long as they can safely navigate a ring. Also, scent work provides INCREDIBLE mental enrichment, which can actually tire your puppy out better than exercise!

Versatility of the Poodle. 🧐 Not just a frou frou dog, poodles we’re originally bred as gun dogs but have a wide range o...

Versatility of the Poodle. 🧐 Not just a frou frou dog, poodles we’re originally bred as gun dogs but have a wide range of skills and will to please that makes them amazing at LOTS of sports! Here we see poodles hunting, doing weight pull, bitework, wall climb, and detection (for c-19!) just a small sampling of what these awesome dogs are good at. 🥰

It’s Small Business Saturday! Make an appointment for a free evaluation today, or schedule a lesson package and get a fr...

It’s Small Business Saturday!
Make an appointment for a free evaluation today, or schedule a lesson package and get a free Trick Novice evaluation after lessons are complete!
Reminder that I can do online training sessions and teach you to train your OWN dog!


Important info for Cav owners!

One of the staples in my toolkit is its your choice game!

One of the staples in my toolkit is its your choice game!

The difference between educating our dogs they can make good choices, compared to using the traditional "leave it".


Mooresville, NC


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