HUGEEEEEE shout out to Susan Dennis DDS for reaching out and sponsoring the entire cost of our new system 😱😱 I am SPEECHLESS and soooo grateful!!!
Not to mention, they are still hosting us as their Charity of the Month this month, so if you need some dental work done, go see them and tell them we sent you!
So, now that the incubator is here I realized I was mistaken when I thought I was going to need another one once I hit almost 100 eggs 🤣
This gorgeous baby making machine is a Natures Spirit incubator, built and sold by the amazing Garland Exotics
She is 24x24x19 inches of high quality expanded PVC, thermally welded and formed to achieve her bad-assery strength 💪
But don't worry, she's also lightweight at only 40lbs, so lugging her inside was a breeze even for little ol' me!
Plus they come equipped with a fan that provides flawless air circulation from top to bottom so I never have to worry about accidentally hardboiling any of my eggies.
This thing is a game changer and can fit SEVENTY TWO of these 1 liter containers in here so I will (hopefully) never have to worry about running out of space for turtle babies again 😍
However, this particular model is the next generation of Nature Spirit incubators, so it won't be available for another few months.
However, it does have all the same great guts as his current options, it just received a little facelift for a more sleek design 😎
William was so fricken sweet to upgrade my purchase to his new model when he noticed I had no more space for eggs but my incubator order wasn't quite ready yet. He did not have to do that, but he didn't hesitate to offer it and I am so thankful 🥹
If you're in the reptile hobby and don't already order your feeders from Garland Exotics I need to know; What issss you dooooinn?!
You don't see this level of generosity from superstores like PetSmart or Petco. So start supporting small, local businesses in the hobby you love today!
Lastly, I am absolutely blown away by the support we've been receiving from our community lately.
I'm sitting here looking at my fancy new incubator, with TWO FREEZERS FULL of fish food, about to head to my amazing vet that works after hours to see my patients. All of this while knowing that each one of you are helping purely out of the kindness of your hearts in order to support our turtle-saving mission.
For that, I truly really can't thank you guys enough..
PS. The incubator is so shiney it's hard to get a good picture of it 🤣🤣
PSS. I will update you guys on the progress of our eggs shortly 💚