Emau - Egyptian Maus

Emau - Egyptian Maus Emau Egyptian Maus Specializes in Brilliant Silvers and Ghostly smoke Egyptian Maus with consistent quality. Kittens are available by reservation.

Located in Central Virginia, Emau Egyptian Maus specializes in brilliant clean silvers and ghostly smokes. Our program produces consistent quality time and time again. We are proud to have produced many Grand Champion, Regional and National winning cats including 2008/2009 Kitten Of The Year as well as multi-generational National Winners (two 2nd generations and one 3rd!). We are also thrilled to

have produced the highest grand producing Distinguished Merit Egyptian female and Male and the only multigeneration male Egyptian Mau Distinguished Merit cat. Our goal is to aid in the preservation and responsible improvement of this rare and precious breed through a breeding program designed to promote overall health, temperament and appearance by using crosses between traditional and import lines. We provide a health guarantee and all pet kittens are altered prior to placement. Although most of our kittens end up going long distance, we do not ship kittens, so creative solutions are a must when considering one of our precious kids... We stay active in CFA: Egyptian Mau Breed Council (current Breed Council Secretary), President GEMS (CFA breed Club), member International Egyptian Mau Society, Egyptian Mau Club (UK), Approved Allbreed Judge, Mentor in the CFA mentor progam, active in producing shows and encouraging new fanciers who are smitten by the elegant Egyptian Mau...

Selena’s first litter- all six of them!

Selena’s first litter- all six of them!

GEMS – AKA The Global Egyptian Mau Society would once again like to congratulate the Egyptian Mau Breeders and Fanciers ...

GEMS – AKA The Global Egyptian Mau Society would once again like to congratulate the Egyptian Mau Breeders and Fanciers from around the globe who came to celebrate the 2024 annual Breed Club show held in conjunction with our good friends of Cat Fanciers Of Washington in Chantilly, VA.

Build it and they will come they say – and indeed they did! We had breeders and fanciers from all over the U.S. From Maine to Hawaii, Canada and Sweden. With cats, or without, the people who have taken on the stewardship of this breed converged on Chantilly to celebrate the spotted beauties who have stolen our hearts. We had a number of new breeders who joined us as well as the stalwarts who are the foundation of this breed. Shout out to those who made such an effort to support this special event! Some old friends, and new…. All stepped up to help put on not only a phenomenal cat show, but breed extravaganza that promoted our breed at the highest level. Just an incredible show from start to finish. No way to name them all, but kudos to all.

Once again, the summit was a success with a plethora of breed related special events including the combined breed specialty judging and the Best of the Best finals, The breed workshop was well attended and generated some lively discussion – thank you to all who volunteered their cats and all who participated. We also had a lovely presentation on Colors in the Egyptian Mau. Many thanks to Caroline Melia for putting that together.
A million thanks to all the exhibitors who went above and beyond in bringing their Egyptian Maus, the judges who handled them so well, the fabulous members of our partner club in this venture, Cat Fanciers of Washington, and to everyone who supported the show. Special thanks to Albert Sweitzer for presenting the breed showcase and judging the stuffed animal contest in the Education Ring and to Benji Edwards for all his hard work coordinating the wonderful speakers that kept the education ring hopping all day long. Susan Cook Henry, Helen Edwards, Dilka and Diana Slivinski were powerhouses on “front of the house”. They manned the welcome booth and provided endless hours of hands on fun with a parade of beautiful cat ambassadors generously volunteered by our wonderful exhibitors. Rave reviews all around!
The spectators just kept coming thanks to herculean efforts by our publicity team of Jennie Batten, Jen Bristol and Dilka Slivinski.
And our intrepid floor managers and show managers – we could not have done it without them! Cannot begin to imagine the many 1000s of steps logged by those 4… Linda Peterson, Mark Hannon, Tim Fowler and Mike Slivinski…. It may not seem like it now, but truly – it was worth it. Great job.
As mentioned previously, the list of people who stepped up to make this weekend an event is long indeed (see below). No question it takes a village of talented and dedicated individuals to accomplish what we were privileged to attend this last weekend. Impossible to name every one, but suffice it to say each and every one of the GEMS and CFW members were incredible.
We had a record breaking entry of 39 Egyptian Maus present and competing; 16 kittens, 7 in championship, and 16 in premiership with a number of National winners competing in premiership! They represented 13 different catteries and an impressive 30 individuals who came, with, or without cats to support the show!

Please join me in recognizing the very special Egyptian Mau cats and kittens that rose to the top in Breed at this very competitive breed show –

Egyptian Mau Best of the Best
Emau’s Talk About Town Emauge. Silver Male. Bred by Melanie Morgan, owned by Tim Fowler . 3rd highest scoring kitten in show with only 9 rings scored.

2nd Best of the Best
GC Emau’s Northern Lights Of Aion. Silver female bred by Elizabeth Vukman and Melanie Morgan, Owned by Dena Bracy. Full sister to last year’s Best of the Best!

3rd Best of the Best
GP NW Emauge Faracci. Smoke Male. Bred by Tim Fowler/Pat Summers, Owned by Joe Vollen

4th Best of the Best
Emau’s Fly Me To The Moon Of Meryt, smoke female. Bred by Melanie Morgan, Owned by Mike and Dilka Slivinski.

5th Best of The Best
GP Emau’s Walking in Memphis. Silver Neuter. Bred by Melanie Morgan. Owned by Jennifer Bristol

Top Three Egyptian Mau - Championship
Best - GC Emau’s Northern Lights Of Aion. Silver female bred by Elizabeth Vukman and Melanie Morgan, Owned by Dena Bracy.

2nd Best - GC Karmau’s Prudii Skirata. Silver male bred by Kathryn Dunham and owned by Kathryn Dunham and Matt and Karen Overholser (New grand at this show!)

3rd Best – GC BW RW Emau’s Once In A Lifetime Of Meryt. Silver female bred by Michael Slivinski and Melanie Morgan, owned by Mike and Dilka Slivinski.

Top Three Egyptian Mau - Kittens
Best – Emau’s Talk About Town Emauge. Silver Male. Bred by Melanie Morgan, owned by Tim Fowler

2nd Best - Emau’s Fly Me To The Moon Of Meryt, smoke female. Bred by Melanie Morgan, Owned by Mike and Dilka Slivinski.

3rd Best – CCJH’s Peppermint Godteri. Silver female bred and owned by Mark and Crystal Haney

Top Three Egyptian Mau - Premiership
Best - GP NW Emauge Faracci. Smoke Neuter. Bred by Pat Summers/Tim Fowler, Owned by Joe Vollen

2nd Best - GP Emau’s Walking In Memphis. Silver Neuter. Bred by Melanie Morgan. Owned by Jen Bristol.

3rd Best – GP, NW Emau’s Singing the Delta Blues. Silver Neuter. Bred by Melanie Morgan. Owned by Jen Bristol

Another record with FOUR new Egyptian Mau grands at the show!
GC CCJH Njord Noir. Silver male bred and owned by Mark and Crystal Haney – their first home bred grand!!!!

GC D’otz Come Fly With Me, smoke female bred by Caroline Melia and owned by Samantha Donald

GP Emau’s Born In The USA Of Emauge, Silver neuter bred by Melanie Morgan and owned by Tim Fowler and Joe Vollen – ONE SHOW GRAND!
GC Karmau’s Prudii Skirata. Silver male bred by Kathryn Dunham, owned by Matt and Karen Overholser and Kathryn Dunham - first Egyptian Mau grand in CFA for Matt and Karen

The quality was consistent with 2 Grand Champions and 9 Grand Premiers entered, plus a plethora of lovely kittens, champions and premiers. 18 different Egyptian Maus (6 kittens, 6 in championship, 6 in premiership) made finals with a total of 42 finals for the breed including two best cats in premiership and five Best Kittens.

Many thanks to all who helped make this another successful event. So many people came together to pull this off – the list is endless and includes but is not limited to…

Show Team
Show Managers Tim Fowler (GEMS) / Linda Peterson (CFW)
Show Secretary Melanie Morgan
Show Treasurer Jen Bristol
Floor Manager Michael Slivinski and Mark Hannon
Advertising/Publicity Jennie Batten, Jen Bristol, Dilka Slivinski
Agility Ring Master Chelsea Parker
Benching David and Shirley Peet
Breed Spectator Guide Laurie Coughlan
Catalogs Mid-Atlantic Show Service
Clerk Coordinator Caroline Melia
Decorations Mark Hannon, David Raynor
Door & Stuffed Animal Prizes Michael & Dilka Slivinski
Education Ring Albert Sweitzer, Benjamin Edwards, Tracy Petty, & Jeri Zottoli
Entry Clerk Shirley Peet
Flyers (Show & Spectator) Jen Bristol
Gate Box Office Staffing Solutions
Hospitality Coordinator Susanna Lynch
Hospitality Mia Asplund, Susan Melia, Sheila Osborne, Nicole Soltyka, Joe Vollen
Hotel Michael Slivinski
Judges Arrangements Melanie Morgan
Litter & Show Supplies Mid-Atlantic Show Service
Master Clerk Caroline Melia
Mau Exhibitor bags Whitney Nickel
Mau Exhibitor gifts Donations by GEMS members
Raffle 50/50 Jill Archibald, Katheryn Dunham, Joe Vollen
Ribbons and Rosettes Melanie Morgan,Kathy Calhoun, Michael Slivinski
Setup/Teardown CFW & GEMS members
Show Planning Jennie Batten, Jen Bristol, Laurie Coughlan, Tim Fowler, Mark Hannon, Susan Cook Henry, Caroline Melia, Melanie Morgan, Whitney Nickel, Linda Peterson, Tracy Petty, Dilka Slivinski, Michael Slivinski, Nicole Soltyka
Show Schedule Linda Peterson
Show Service Mid-Atlantic Show Service
Spectators Choice – Whitney Nickel and Linda Peterson
Sponsorships Nicole Soltyka, Michael Slivinski, Caroline Melia
Steward Coordinator Crystal Haney
Transportation Joe Vollen, Melanie Morgan, David Raynor
Vendor Coordinators Jen Bristol, Jen Batten,
Welcome cats & table Susan Cook Henry, Diana Slivinski, Dilka Slivinski

And of course

Our judges and clerks

Once again thanks to all the GEMS members who made it a priority to attend this very important celebration of our breed. Thank you to members for the wonderful donations for the Mau exhibitor bags. It was great to see all of you! Our apologies to any we may have inadvertently forgotten.

Let’s hear it for the spots!

Show Management GEMS

Welcome to the world little ones!!!

Welcome to the world little ones!!!

Cuteness overload before the start of a record breaking weekend with the annual GEMS show - 39 Egyptian Maus entered alo...

Cuteness overload before the start of a record breaking weekend with the annual GEMS show - 39 Egyptian Maus entered along with 196 total cats. Going to be a busy weekend!

Thanks to Dick Kallemeyer who ranked all tier five and above catteries by DM’s - so proud of our special kids and their ...

Thanks to Dick Kallemeyer who ranked all tier five and above catteries by DM’s - so proud of our special kids and their consistent quality, not to mention the wonderful people who love them. Not bad for a tiny cattery and a minority breed!

Lazy fourth- happy fourth to all!!

Lazy fourth- happy fourth to all!!

The boys

The boys

They grow up so fast!

They grow up so fast!

Lazy Saturday

Lazy Saturday

A hearty congratulations to all the winners out there in all breeds....  and for the Egyptian Mau folks, a special congr...

A hearty congratulations to all the winners out there in all breeds.... and for the Egyptian Mau folks, a special congratulations for a job well done once again! We are so very proud of our breed for another wonderful season. Apologies in advance for any inaccuracies…

This year, our breed celebrates some lovely spotted beauties and the new faces behind them. Notable first is the Breed Win for new Breeders Mike and Dilka Slivinski who made showing an adventure. Their “Georgie” ended up 28th nationally and gave them not only their first Breed win, but a high Regional win. Another exciting first was a Regional win for new breeder Elizabeth Vukman from her first ever litter. The very typey Maverick was not only a one show grand Champion, but brought home a kitten Regional win before heading over to the Netherlands to live with Marie-Claire and Johan Of Azova. Our third Best of Breed, not only is a previous National winner from 2021-2022, but our newest Grand of Distinction – the first for our breed in championship! She was breed winner for three straight years proving this breed indeed has staying power! We only had one National Winner this year, but her win was especially meaningful given her rough start in life. Little Aspen recovered from aspirated pneumonia as a week old baby and went on to become S.R. Best Kitten, CFA’s 7th Best Kitten and 2nd BOB Egyptian Mau, stealing hearts with her joyous attitude the whole way.

All in all we celebrated one National Wins, seven Regional Wins, one Divisional Win, one Grand of Distinction and thirteen new grands.

Apologies in advance if I have missed anyone and many congratulations to all. Without further ado I would like to present our stars from 2023/2024... hats off once again to the Egyptian Mau Breeders, Exhibitors and all their fabulous cats. May all of you stay safe and healthy and fingers crossed that we all see each other again soon!

We would like to congratulate our stars of the
2023/2024 Season!
Our National Winner!
GC NW Emau’s Speechless Of Emauge CFA's Best Egyptian Mau Kitten and 7th Best Kitten (1-9)

National Breed Winners

GC BWR RW Emau’s Once In A Lifetime Of Meryt - Silver female 3873.65 points
GC NW Emau's Speechless Of Emauge 2501.75 points
GCD NW Mautrix Polar Wind – Silver female 2270.65 points

Top Kittens
GC NW Emau's Speechless Of Emauge – Silver female 2002.35 points
GC RW Mautrix Jubilee - Silver female 1120.70 points
GC RW Emau's Top Gun Of Emauge - Smoke male 756.95 points
Top Premiership Cats
GP Makamae Maus Maka Hinu Jiji – Smoke neuter 200.10 points
GP Mautrix Desert Sands - Silver neuter 144.60 points
GP Mautrix Rock On - Silver neuter 135.30 points

Grand Of Distinction
GCD NW Mautrix Polar Wind Silver female

Six Regional Winners and seven Regional Wins
GP RW D'otz The Raven Of Sillowette N.A.R. 11th Best Kitten
GC BWR RW Emau's Once In A Lifetime Of Meryt S.R. 5th Best Cat
GC NW Emau's Speechless Of Emauge S.R Best Kitten and 7th Best Cat
GC RW Emau's Top Gun Of Emauge S.R. 18th Best Kitten
GC RW Mautrix Jubilee S.R. 13th Best Kitten
GCD NW Mautrix Polar Wind S.R. 9th Best Cat
Our Divisional Winner
GP DWS.R. 13th Best KittenS.R. 13th Best KittenS.R. 13th Best KittenS.R. 13th Best Kitten Heshmael Owis Adjo Of Zuyyin MY 5th Best Cat in Premiership

Regional Best of Breeds*

NAR (1) GC Azova Bygul Of Maujik 39.35 points
NWR (2) None Shown
GSR (3) CH Mautrix Dominique Of CCJH 41.90 points
GLR (4) CH Ajatarah Mahina Aka Of Makamae Maus 19.50 points
SWR (5) None Shown
MWR (6) None Shown
SR (7) GC BWR RW Emau's Once In A Lifetime Of Meryt 3873.65 points
Japan (8) None Shown
Intl (9) GC Emau's Spill The T Of Etrnl.Spring 391.55 points
Asia ID None Shown
Asia (ID) China None Shown
Hawaii None Shown
* Highest scoring cats reported here regardless of whether they had enough points to qualify officially for the certificate/plaque.
Thirteen New Grands
GC Azova Bygul Of Maujik GP Mautrix Desert Sands
GC Emau's Follow The Moon GC RW Mautrix Jubilee
GC NW Emau's Speechless Of Emauge GC Mautrix Nocturne
GC Emau's Spill The T Of Etrnl.Spring GC Mautrix Pop Star
GC RW Emau's Top Gun Of Emauge GP Mautrix Rock On
GP DW Heshmael Owais Adjo Of Zuyyin GC Mautrix Sunchaser
GC Karmau's Wishing On A Star Of Meryt

Sleepy babies

Sleepy babies

The Rumor kittens make my heart sing

The Rumor kittens make my heart sing

Vienna kittens came to visit today!

Vienna kittens came to visit today!






Sunday morning play with our new friend! She has a dragonfly!!!

Yep, pure bliss

Yep, pure bliss


Morning snack time

Hard to resist these bright shiny faces

Hard to resist these bright shiny faces

Smoke magic from Rumor

Smoke magic from Rumor

Emau’s Talk Of The Town Of Emauge AKA ‘Buzz’  Mini Aspen, just wish he was a girl!

Emau’s Talk Of The Town Of Emauge AKA ‘Buzz’ Mini Aspen, just wish he was a girl!


Morning zoomies not to mistaken with evening zoomies

Introducing Emau’s Born In The USA Of Emauge

Introducing Emau’s Born In The USA Of Emauge

Post milk food coma

Post milk food coma

New star in the sky tonight.GC BW NW Emau’s Diamonds R Forever Of Emauge, DM - “Dreamy”April 9, 2012- March 26, 2024Almo...

New star in the sky tonight.

GC BW NW Emau’s Diamonds R Forever Of Emauge, DM - “Dreamy”
April 9, 2012- March 26, 2024

Almost 12 years ago a bright shining star of an heart thief entered this world. To know her, was to love her and she touched so many many hearts during her short time with us. The daughter of Tyce (GC BW NW Emau’s So You Think You Can Dance Of Emauge) and my soulful Wren (GC Emau’s For Your Eyes Only), they broke the mold with her. She was a beloved singleton.

The lovely Minuet (GC BW NW Emau’s Minuet, DM) was living with a wonderful couple in Northern VA and also had a singleton kitten, so the decision was made to move the little Dreamy to Minuet so she would have a “littermate”. Minuet adopted her immediately and the pictures above show the little three week old just minutes after being introduced to her new mommy. Marie, Jim, and Minuet did a fabulous job raising the little superstar and when the time came for her show career to start she made the move to Pat and Tim. She ended up black lining at the International Show as a kitten and earning honors as both Southern Region’s Best Kitten and CFA’s 6th best kitten. Along the way she continued to steal the hearts of judges, spectators and exhibitors. She was a natural mother and produced beautiful kittens including the wonderful Markie (GC BW NW Emauge Forevermark Of Etrnl.Spring) and DB (GC BW NW Emauge Debeers), but her true love was her Tim. His lap was her sanctuary and she was a bright shining star until the end.

Fly high sweet Dreamy, no pain… just joy, and love…. So much love. The world is a little less bright without you in it.

A little smoke cuteness for the day

A little smoke cuteness for the day


Charlottesville, VA


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