Yesterday, June 1st. marked the 19 year anniversary of Dojo Chattanooga . I have now taught martial arts in Chattanooga longer than I have in Sacramento. It has been bitter sweet. Sweet because of all the new friendships and connections here, but bitter from being away from my Sacramento students, friends, Sifu, and of course my parents and sister.
I feel like I have been two different instructors in these two cities.
Sacramento got my youthful energy, passion, athleticism, and optimism that came with the cost of my over confidence, short temper, and lack of compassion compared to my zest for the "standard of ranking" I held.
Chattanooga got a calmer, more patient and caring version that was driven by more targeted experience and how to develop skill progressively and incrementally. However, they did not experience when I could demonstrate at my athletic prime or be everyone's sparring partner.
Without a doubt in both cities I can honestly say I gave the very best of what I could at that stage in my life. I also can say my students have given back to me even more than I gave. To all my students I say thank you, that you all have impacted me, and that you are loved and appreciated far more than I can express.
Coincidentally my Granddaughter Chloe visited yesterday modeling my daughter Jenna's uniform from when she was a toddler. I can't think of my better tribute that ties my tale of two cities and generations of family and friends I have been surrounded by.