Still looking for sweet Effie.
UPDATE: REUNITED!! Effie is home safe & sound after 32 days, 3 hours :)
"Truly a MIRACLE! After living in the wild for the past 31 days, Effie our 14 year old poodle with a severe seizure disorder was FOUND and returned to us! Thank you to everyone who searched, called, prayed and kept Effie in their thoughts. She is quite thin and sleeping a lot but is being pampered and loved on all day long. We are so very grateful to have our sweet girl back!!!"
-Effie's Owner
Please spread the word! Effie was LOST on January 26, 2024 in Signal Mountain, TN 37377 near Setting Sun Dr (Pvt Dr 9) at Sunset Road
Message from Owner: Effie has major seizure disorder and has already missed two doses . Collar is black with pink embroidered name and our phone number. May be close to W Road on Mountain Creek end.
Description: 14 year old gray/black mottled w short curly hair - collar has her name and our phone number. Also rabies tag and Seresto collar. Severe seizure disorder and has missed two doses of . Very sweet and will come to food. Loves decks.
For more info or to contact Effie's owner, click here: https://www.pawboost.com/p/69957388
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