The old man sure makes it look easy🥰 what a perfect weekend
Just a couple perfectly handsome babies ❤️
When ya gotta go...... @rrbarnes09
Parents, let your daughters ***and sons** grow up to be horse kids, because they will learn quickly and repeatedly that life isn’t fair, that hard work is often trumped by Lady Luck, and that every defeat, no matter how terrible, is temporary. Let them dream big and kick on. Let them learn confidence, grace and grit. Let them build big muscles and strong backs.
Let your daughters ***and sons*** grow up in the barn. Let them learn that buckets need filling and stalls need cleaning, even when it’s raining, even when it’s frozen, even when they have a different idea for how the day should go.
Teach them to drive trucks and trailers and ATVs. Teach them to change tires and wrap legs and give shots. And let them leave a spur mark, or a bit rub, or a bandage bow, and let them deal with the shame of causing pain to an animal they love.
Let them grow up with horses and with good horse people, because it will teach them to be humble, and to be resilient, and to be brave.
-Written by Lauren Spreiser for Chronicle of the horse
Look what I found in vegas♡ there's 2 of them🥰 Bill said "no no no"