Our sniffari from the other week! The importance of letting your doggo sniff!
Summertime slow mo! Look at that crossover and hiney tuck!
A fun game to play with your pup! It’s Penguin’s favorite!
Try something Terrifying Tuesday!
Sibling Silliness Saturday! Let’s see those siblings having fun!
Tiny Tess learning “Place”! On this Tiny Tess Tuesday!
Her sister Skye is impatiently waiting in her kennel in the background - she wants you to know she hates sharing me!
We conquer scary things on Wednesday! This is our nail maintenance board - learning how to file our nails - and just last week, Penguin was still scared of it!
What do you and your pup do on Wednesdays?
Floating into the weekend this Friday! Let’s talk pool safety! Always supervise your pets around the pool, and if they’re going to be outside, with or without you, if the pool is open they need to be wearing a life vest! Most dogs will instinctually doggy paddle, but they can quickly become exhausted and without a way out, drowning is a real risk!
Foodie Friday! Miss Stella learning to wait for her food! Waiting for their food is important because it makes them slow down a bit. It also stops them from bum rushing the food bowl!
Miss Skye has a lot to say about her new little sister, Tess! We’re hoping to get the Woo’s on demand soon!
It’s dog related if there’s dog in the name! Quick lunch stop on a beautiful day!
Disclaimer: I thoroughly vet any store to make sure that they are dog friendly and that it is a safe environment in which to train. We train in Hobby Lobby all the time because they are dog friendly. DO NOT portray your dog as a Service Dog or SDIT if they are not! It is dangerous and illegal.
Call any establishment you are planning on taking your pup into before going to make sure they are dog friendly and do not have any limitations on size, breed, etc.