Highlands Veterinary Center

Highlands Veterinary Center We are a full service small animal veterinary hospital in Chesapeake, VA Stromlund as Highlands Pet Clinic in the Norfolk Highlands section of Chesapeake.

About Our Veterinary Center

Highlands Veterinary Center was established in July 1972 by Dr. E.V. In May of 1980, Dr. Wayne T. Springer purchased Highlands Pet Clinic from Dr. Stromlund, who was retiring. The clinic grew over the next 20 years.

Vet Tip Tuesday!What is FIV?Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is a common infectious disease found in cats all around ...

Vet Tip Tuesday!

What is FIV?

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is a common infectious disease found in cats all around the globe. It's a disease that affects the immune system, making it difficult for infected cats to fight off infections. There is no cure, but it is possible for an FIV positive cat to live a fairly long and happy life, as long as they aren't also positive for feline leukemia (FELV), a disease we discussed last week (see post from 2/18/25).

FIV is transmitted through bite wounds of an infected cat. Simple acts such as sharing water bowls or friendly grooming is not an efficient route to transfer the virus.
Since this virus is spread via bite wounds, un-neutered males that are allowed outdoors are at the highest risk of contracting FIV due to their nature to fight over territory. In rare occasions an infected mother could transmit the disease to her kittens through nursing. If a female contracts FIV during pregnancy the risk of transmission to her kittens is increased. However, mating is not effective in transferring FIV among cats.

These are the three phases of infection with FIV:
1. The acute phase, generally occurring within 1-3 months post infection. It affects the lymph nodes, you may see enlargement of their lymph nodes, followed by fever, decreased appetite and listlessness.
2. The asymptomatic phase comes next and can last for months to several years. The cats do not show any outward symptoms or illness, but the virus is slowly replicating itself within the cells of the immune system. Some FIV infected cats may show changes in their bloodwork and some may stay in this stage without ever progressing to a more detrimental disease.
3. Progressive phase - during this state, an immunocompromised cat can start developing secondary infections, which can become life threatening due to their inability to fight off disease. Chronic or recurring illness such as dental, eye, skin, urinary and respiratory tract infections are common. Other signs include weight loss, neurologic (seizures) and behavioral changes. FIV positive cats are also more likely to develop cancer and immune-mediated blood disorders than healthy cats. Once these cats have hit this stage of critical illness their survival expectancy is decreased to a just few months.

There is no vaccine currently. Preventative measures such as keeping your cats indoors and spaying and neutering can help stop the spread of FIV. You should test all new kittens and cats for FIV/FELV before introducing them into your home or to any of your existing cats. It is a simple blood test that can be run in your vet's office same day. Contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment today!

Frisky Feline Friday!This week's feline breed is the DRAGON LI!!๐Ÿพ  The Dragon Li, also known as the Chinese Li Hua or Li...

Frisky Feline Friday!

This week's feline breed is the DRAGON LI!!

๐Ÿพ The Dragon Li, also known as the Chinese Li Hua or Li Hua Mao (translated as Chinese Fox Flower Cat), is an ancient breed native to China, with history dating back to the Xiang Dynasty. These felines are naturally occurring descendants of the Chinese Mountain cat and aren't the result of selective breeding.

๐Ÿพ Independent and smart, these cats are loyal and enjoy spending time with their families and can have a playful streak.

๐Ÿพ Dragon Li's aren't big on cuddling or snuggling and can become anxious if they are not given their space, Fond of exploring and hunting, this breed needs plenty of space to roam and are not well suited for apartment living. They do well when allowed access to outdoor spaces via catios or leash trained to go on walks at a young age.

๐Ÿพ These rare kitties are hard to find outside of China. They have predominantly have green eyes, although they can come in brown and yellow as well. Their coats come in a golden-brown tabby pattern. Their hair is ticked, meaning it starts out black at the root and transition to a lighter brown near the tip.

๐Ÿพ The Dragon Li is prone to hip dysplasia and obesity.


We hope everyone had fun playing in the snow today!!! We wanted to let our clients know that we will reopen tomorrow Friday, February 21, 2025. Drive safe out there.


Due to the continued weather conditions in our area this evening, we have decided to close tomorrow, February 20, 2025. Once we reopen, we will call to reschedule your appointments. Stay safe everyone!!!
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Out of an abundance of caution we are closing early today, at 1 p.m., due to inclement weather. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Stay safe and stay warm! โ˜ƒ


Vet Tip Tuesday!

What is Feline Leukemia (FELV)?

Many have heard their veterinarian mention leukemia vaccines, but what is it exactly? FELV is a retrovirus that incorporates itself into your pet's genome and cannot be cured. It is present in about 2-3% of cats in North America. Thankfully FELV doesn't survive long outside of the body, usually just a few hours, so environmental exposure is low. However, infected cats spread infectious viral particles through bodily fluids (saliva, urine, f***s, milk, etc.); Close and prolonged contact among infected cats can transmit FELV, including bite wounds, mutual grooming, and sharing of litterboxes or food and water bowls. Infected Queens can also transmit FELV to her kittens through the placental barrier or in their milk via nursing.

Outdoor cats are at a greater risk of contracting this disease through bite wounds; therefore it is recommended to vaccinate your cat, especially kittens that are at a higher risk due to their immature immune system, for FELV if you plan on letting them roam the wilds of suburbia. If you have a can that is positive for FELV it is recommended to keep them as indoor cats to decrease the spread of infection. You should also keep them separated from any other cats in your home that are negative for FELV; however, you can adopt other FELV positive cats, which are harder to find homes for, that can become part of your FELV positive cat's crew.

FELV is the most common cause of cancer in cat's and affects them in many ways. Due to their weakened immune system and the body's inability to fight off disease effectively they are at a higher risk of contracting illnesses and they can be plagued by secondary infections. In the early stages of infection many cats don't exhibit signs of disease, but over time their health can begin to deteriorate, causing repeating cycles of illnesses and you can begin to see some of the following clinical signs:
-Persistent fever
-Appetite loss
-Pale gums and other mucus membranes
-Gingivitis or stomatitis (inflammation of the mouth)
-Enlarged lymph nodes
-Persistent diarrhea
-Upper respiratory, bladder, & skin infections, or eye disorders
-Neurological changes, including seizures

A cat with progressive infection is most at risk of developing these clinical signs, but a cat with regressive infection can also develop FeLV associated diseases if the virus reactivates. Unfortunately there is no cure for FELV; however, you can manage symptoms and it is possible for your cat to live a fairly long and happy life! You should test all new kittens and cats for FIV/FELV before introducing them into your home or to any of your existing cats. It is a simple blood test that can be run in your vet's office same day.

Thankfully with the creation of the feline leukemia vaccine, we have significantly decreased prevalence of this disease in the last 25 years! Ask your veterinarian today if the FELV vaccine is right for you and your cat!

Mega Mutt Mondays!The breed of the week is the BORZOI!!!๐Ÿพ The Borzoi, also known as the Russian Wolfhound originates fro...

Mega Mutt Mondays!

The breed of the week is the BORZOI!!!

๐Ÿพ The Borzoi, also known as the Russian Wolfhound originates from Russia in the 16th century. They are part of the sighthound family and were originally bred to help hunt wolves.

๐Ÿพ The Borzoi comes in a variety of colors including: black and cream, brindle,
sable, white, black, black and tan, red, cream, and a mixture of these colors.

๐Ÿพ Fast and furious! These swift, gentle giants are known to be able to run up to 35-40 mph and are considered a "giant" breed dog. Be aware that they typically have high prey drives and introductions to small animals should be done carefully or avoided.

๐Ÿพ Borzois are known for their easy going attitude and stable temperament. They can be aloof with strangers and are generally fairly easy to train but can occasionally be stubborn. They require daily mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy as well as a secure area to stretch out and run.

๐Ÿพ The Borzoi does have several health issues to look out for, including: elbow and hip dysplasia, gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), cancer - specifically osteosarcoma, osteochondritis dissecans, progressive renal atrophy, hypothyroidism, and cardiac disorders.

National Pet Theft Awareness Day!A lost pet is always scary, but a stolen pet is down right terrifying! Every year over ...

National Pet Theft Awareness Day!

A lost pet is always scary, but a stolen pet is down right terrifying! Every year over a million pets are stolen. How can you protect your pets from abduction? Well, here are several tips to help keep your fur-babies safe.

๐Ÿ’‰ Microchip your pet!
Microchips are a permanent solution in pet identification. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice and is implanted under your pet's skin. When your pet is found & brought to a veterinarian or shelter they will be scanned for a microchip. The chip number is what is used to identify your pet and when it is looked up it will be registered to you. Make sure you keep all pertinent contact information, like address and phone numbers, up to date!

๐Ÿ“ Collars and Tags!
Having your pet wear a collar and tags with contact information is the fastest way for people to get in touch with you in case they get loose. Keep their city license and contact tags current.

๐Ÿšช Keep pets indoors when unattended!
Don't leave your pets outside when you're not home. They can become easy pickings for those that wish to take them, especially if you have a predictable routine, such as leaving for work the same time each weekday. It just takes a minute to hop the fence and steal your beloved pet.

๐Ÿš™ Don't leave your pet alone in the car!
Vehicles are easy targets for criminals and an adorable puppy or kitten inside is tempting bait. Never leave your pets alone in a vehicle.

๐ŸŒณ Don't leave them tied up unattended.
If you are out walking with your dog and need to go into a store, do not tie them up outside, even if you'll only be a second. Thieves can easily sn**ch up your pet and disappear before you can blink! Go to a pet friendly store, have a friend stay outside with them, or take them home and return by yourself.

๐Ÿพ Spay and Neuter!
Spaying and Neutering your pets not only protects them from adding to the overpopulation, but they are less likely to wander off.

๐Ÿฆฎ Keep your pets on a leash!
Unlike popular opinion, most dogs are not trained to recall on command. Keep your dog leashed when out for walks. Dogs are a lot faster than us and it is easy to lose track of them when they run off.

๐Ÿ”จ Maintain the fence!
Be sure there are no gaps or loose boards in your fence and secure the gate. If you have small dogs and wide spaces in the fence you may want to add some mesh wiring or additional planks to keep them from slipping through.

๐Ÿ‘ค Stranger Danger!
Be wary of strangers lurking around your neighborhood and report any suspicious activity. It's better to be a little paranoid than to become a victim.

Frisky Feline Friday!This week's feline breeds are the BRITISH SHORTHAIR & BRITISH LONGHAIR!  Double trouble...in the be...

Frisky Feline Friday!

This week's feline breeds are the BRITISH SHORTHAIR & BRITISH LONGHAIR! Double trouble...in the best way!!!!

๐Ÿพ The British shorthair and longhairs hail from Great Britain. The shorthair dates back to Roman times, while the longhair is more recent. Today they are one of the most popular cat breeds in the UK, but surprisingly the British Shorthair was close to facing extinction in the early 20th century! In an effort to preserve this breed and widen the gene pool, British Shorthairs were outsourced with Persians, Chartreux, and Russian Blues.

๐Ÿพ The only real difference in these breeds is the British Longhair has a long coat, a result of cross breeding with Persian cats in an effort to help preserve the British Shorthair breed.

๐Ÿพ Fun Fact: The British Shorthair was the inspiration behind Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat in the 1865 "Alice in Wonderland" novel.

๐Ÿพ British Shorthairs are pretty easy-going cats. They are playful, but not wild, affectionate, but not clingy, and smart, but don't feel the need to show off.

๐Ÿพ These breeds are at risk of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, polycystic kidney disease, & Feline Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS) - a disease the affects kittens between 6-12 weeks of age, resulting in failure to thrive, lethargy, distended abdomen, regenerative anemia, and death. Unfortunately, there is no cure or test for ALPS; however, it is fairly uncommon and reputable breeders will remove any Queens or Toms from breeding rotation by spaying and neutering if any offspring presents with ALPS.

Vet Tip Tuesday!Valentines days is coming up and we all know what that means....CHOCOLATE TOXICITY!That's right! We see ...

Vet Tip Tuesday!

Valentines days is coming up and we all know what that means....CHOCOLATE TOXICITY!
That's right! We see an uptick of dogs getting into those heartfelt gifts. And it's not just chocolate, but also xylitol poisoning and candy wrapper ingestion!

๐Ÿ– Keep those delectable little treats out of your pet's reach; whether you put them up on a high shelf, in a cabinet, or the pantry, be sure your pet cannot gain access to it.

โŒš๏ธIf your pet does get into your chocolate/sugar stash, don't panic. First thing's first, remove your pet from ingesting any candy they may have missed and collect what remains of the wrapper with the ingredients on it, this will be helpful to determine toxicity risks. Time is of the essence, so contact the Pet Poison Hotline immediately, (there is a one time fee per incident) they will need to know the following:
1. Your pet's species, breed, age, and approximate weight.
2. What was ingested? (i.e. dark chocolate, candy hearts, wrappers, etc)
3. How much was ingested? (i.e. 2oz, 1 lbs.)
4. What time frame, roughly, was it ingested? (i.e. 10-20 mins ago, 2 hours)
They will give you a case number for your veterinarian for any follow up questions.

๐ŸคฎHead straight to the vet to induce vomiting (to expel wrappers and chocolate that could still be digested & absorbed into their system) and to receive any follow up treatment that is necessary, such as activated charcoal (to stop further absorption of toxins), fluids (to rehydrate and flush out toxins from the renal system), bloodwork (to evaluate organ function) & antiemetics (to stop vomiting and nausea). Each case is an individual situation, some can be outpatient, while others may require hospitalization depending on their risk level.

Mega Mutt Mondays!The breed of the week is the RHODESIAN RIDGEBACKI!!!๐Ÿพ The Rhodesian Ridgeback originated in South Afri...

Mega Mutt Mondays!

The breed of the week is the RHODESIAN RIDGEBACKI!!!

๐Ÿพ The Rhodesian Ridgeback originated in South Africa in the mid-1600s and were named after the region of Rhodesia, now known as the country of Zimbabwe. They were bred to be hunters and were even rumored to have help hunt lions giving them the moniker of "African Lion Dogs".

๐Ÿพ Named after the distinct "ridge" along their back, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is actually one of three breeds that have a ridge along their backs. The other breeds are the Thai Ridgeback and the Phu Quoc Ridgeback. The "ridge" is actually a stripe of hair growing in the opposite direction and comes in several shapes.

๐Ÿพ Rhodesians can be found in red wheaten, light wheaten, and wheaten. They require occasional brushing but otherwise are a fairly low maintenance breed as far as grooming.

๐Ÿพ The Ridgeback is an intelligent, athletic, high energy breed who needs daily physical and mental stimulation. They also require early socialization and training as they can prove to be stubborn and independent. They tend to be reserved with strangers and are fiercely loyal to their families.

๐Ÿพ The Rhodesian Ridgeback is known to be a fairly healthy breed and has several health issues including: hip and elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and cataracts.

It's SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!All you football fans out there, we know you got the works for your Superbowl party.... chicken wi...


All you football fans out there, we know you got the works for your Superbowl party.... chicken wings, pigs-in-blankets, pizza rolls, chips and dip, you name it, someone will be bringing it.

We know you're going to be pretty focused on the game, but your pet is going to be focused on all that unattended food. Beware of the dangers that can occur if your pet ingests those delectable snacks.

๐Ÿ” Chicken wings, while delicious, the bones pose a serious threat of gastrointestinal foreign body. Those cooked bones are quite fragile and can splinter, causing lacerations of the mouth and throughout your dog's GI tract. OUCH! Be sure to keep them out of reach and dispose of them promptly. If your dog is a dumpster diver, it may be prudent to take the trash out right away.

๐Ÿ– Finger foods.... we all love hors d'oeuvres, but they can be quite fattening and lead to upset stomach. Pancreatitis is quite common in pets when they ingest fatty foods like bacon, hot dogs, etc.

๐Ÿบ Beer, we know there are a few coolers full of the stuff at your party. Alcohol is toxic to pets, so keep it out of their reach. Clean up spills not just for the sake of your floor, but for the health of your pet.

All in all, enjoy the game, have fun, and if it stinks there's always the PUPPYBOWL!

Frisky Feline Friday!This weeks feline breed is the SELKIRK REX & DEVON REX!๐Ÿพ The Selkirk Rex originated in Montana, USA...

Frisky Feline Friday!

This weeks feline breed is the SELKIRK REX & DEVON REX!

๐Ÿพ The Selkirk Rex originated in Montana, USA back in 1987. The Devon Rex was created in Devon, England around 1960. Their curly hair is determined by genes, therefore both breeds have the ability to have straight haired and curly coated kittens.

๐Ÿพ While both breeds have the classic kinked hair, there are some differences in their features. The Selkirk Rex is more stocky and big b***d with either short or long hair, while the Devon Rex is more slender and lean with short hair.

๐Ÿพ It is recommended to brush with a wide tooth comb to avoid disturbing their natural curls while removing any potential for matting. Be sure to check your Devon Rex's ears for wax build up and clean as needed.

๐Ÿพ It is rumored that the Devon Rex inspired Steven Spielberg's "ET" character.

๐Ÿพ Both breeds are predisposed to these health risks: polycystic kidney disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), & hip dysplasia. The Devon Rex is also at risk of patellar luxation and Devon Rex myopathy (a hereditary, recessive gene condition that causes muscle weakness of the head and neck that is generally seen around 3 weeks to 6 months in age).



Dentistry is an often missed service among many pet owners, but why it is so important to keep your pets teeth clean?

Are you often complaining about your pet's bad breath? I assure you, it's not because they are licking themselves all the time. The cause of this "funky odor" is due to bacteria and tartar build up on their teeth. The average person brushes their own teeth 1-2 times a day and goes to get their teeth cleaned twice a year. How often do you brush your pet's teeth? Your pet can't do that for themselves, so it's up to us as owners to keep those pearly whites sparkling.

It's not just the surface of the tooth you need to worry about. Bacteria builds up underneath the gum line which can lead to gingivitis, tooth decay and loss, tooth root abscess, facial swelling, oro-nasal fistula (a hole between the nasal cavity and mouth), and other serious issues. The mouth is a gateway to the rest of the body. Dental disease, if left untreated, will spread infection through the bloodstream, leading to damage of vital organs such as the heart, kidney, and liver.

How do I know if my pet needs a dental cleaning?

Well there are several signs that will let you know if your pet is having any dental issues, such as:
- reluctance to eat or decreased appetite
- dropping food
- tilting head and chewing on one side only
- pawing at their face
- excessive drooling
- bad breath
- nasal or eye discharge
- red or bleeding gums (blood seen on toys)
- facial swelling (typically seen around the eyes)
- teeth falling out

What does a dental cleaning entail?

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ”ฌ Well, unlike us, your pet won't sit still in a chair and hold their mouths open while we clean, so they must be under general anesthesia. Don't let this scare you away from seeking dental treatment. We always run bloodwork prior to see if there is any underlying disease we need to worry about and use this information to help in choosing the right anesthetic protocol for your pet. And just like in human medicine, they are monitored the entire time by licensed and skilled anesthetists.

๐Ÿฆท Once they are asleep, full mouth radiographs are taken to see what changes may be occurring to the crown of the tooth, tooth roots and jaw bones which are under the gingiva. We'll be able to see any abnormalities such as retained roots or any unerupted teeth, abscesses, root resorption, or changes to the pulp cavity.

๐Ÿฆท Next a dental prophylaxis is performed. Scaling will remove tartar and calculus from the entire crown and subgingival cleaning will remove any debris that has accumulated under the gingiva. Next each tooth is inspected with a dental probe searching for any pockets in the gingiva, defects to the tooth enamel, and mobile or fractured teeth that would require extraction. Once that is completed the hygienist polishes the teeth to smooth and seal scratches to the enamel surface. This step is crucial to protect the teeth from damage which is why it is not recommended to allow our groomer to "clean the teeth" as they often use instruments to scrape off calculus only from the outer surface of the teeth and do not polish.

My pet had a dental cleaning, but what can I do to preserve it? Well there are many different things you can try at home.

๐Ÿ’ง Water additives are just as it sounds...an additive that you mix into their water. The enzymatic ingredients aid in breaking down tartar and freshening breath. Considered a Bronze standard of treatment, it is best used after a full dental cleaning is preformed as it will not have any affect if heavy calculus is present.

๐Ÿฆด Dental chews and dental diets are another great way to help clean teeth. They're infused with enzymes that help breakdown bacteria and the mechanical action of chewing acts similar to brushing. A Silver standard of dental care, they can often cause obesity due to added calories and fats to make them more tasty and desirable. If you chose this route, we recommend adjusting their food servings as needed or giving these chews more sparingly rather than every day to keep from unwanted weight gain.

๐Ÿฆท The gold standard is physically brushing teeth. There are many types of pet toothbrushes available including finger-brushes. You can also purchase pet safe toothpaste which may act as a tasty treat and make this a pleasurable experience for your pet. Try creating a habit of a brushing their teeth a couple times a week and work up to daily brushing for the best results.

Talk to your veterinarian today to see if your pet is in need of dentistry.

VET TIP TUESDAY!Today we're going to discuss the importance of choosing the right dog for you and your lifestyle.  Unfor...


Today we're going to discuss the importance of choosing the right dog for you and your lifestyle. Unfortunately, one of the leading causes of dogs being surrendered to shelters is due to people realizing they don't have time for a dog and their dog being too much for them to handle.

It's extremely important that when choosing a dog from a shelter or selecting a specific breed, that you choose the dog for the lifestyle you currently have...not the lifestyle you want. It's not uncommon to hear someone say, "Oh, I got him/her because I thought it would encourage me to become a runner or take more walks." Set yourself and your dog up for success from the very beginning by selecting the dog that best matches you. Think of it like the dating game...only in this case, opposites DO NOT attract. We're here to help discuss the big things to look out for, for your best possible match. Just call us "Yenta".

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ ENERGY LEVEL
- When choosing the dog that would best fit with your lifestyle it's important to note your prospective pup's energy level. Whether in a shelter or at the breeder, it's important not to just pick the first puppy or dog that runs up to you or seems excited to see you. While it's tempting to gravitate to the cutest face or the most excitable or outgoing pup that's not always the best decision. Ask questions. Speak to the breeder or shelter employees as they know these dogs and their personalities and energy levels best due to the fact they work with them every day. If you have long work days and your idea of fun on a day off is relaxing and watching your favorite show, then a high energy breed is probably not the best fit for you. The opposite is also true, if you are an avid outdoors person and thrive on hiking, running, and spending most of the day outdoors a lower energy breed or one prone to heat stroke is probably not the breed for you. Your new pup's greatest desire is to spend time with you - whether indoors or outdoors; so matching energy levels or lifestyles is crucial to the groundwork of a good relationship with your pet.

-Your prospective pup's temperament is also an area of great importance. If you're a very outgoing person who plans to bring their new dog everywhere a more nervous and anxious pup is probably not the best fit for you. Likewise, the easily excitable or overenthusiastic dog probably won't be the best fit for someone with young kids or older family members in the home. Think about the lifestyle you currently have, and think about your idea of YOUR ideal dog. Don't choose the dog who requires extensive behavioral training because you feel sorry for it, especially if you know you don't actually have time to work with it and take it to a behaviorist. As much as we love our dogs and want to shower them with affection, affection does not solve problems - training does. That said, training is a must for every breed, no matter whether they come from a breeder or a shelter. You want to help your dogs blossom into the best they can be and, as previously said, set them up for success.

- The health of our pets is extremely important to us and when choosing a dog it's important to take the needs of your prospective pup into consideration. For example, if you're planning on choosing an extra large breed of dog it's important to consider they may have joint issues as they get older and may have more difficulty getting around or may require surgery. Another great example is if you're looking at a pup with allergies or one who is predisposed to allergies. Medications, special diet, shampoos, and vet visits add up quickly and you need to ensure you are able to properly care for your pet. Certain breeds are predisposed to specific health issues - are you prepared to take on those issues? One great way to help mitigate these costs is to set up a savings account just for your pet or get insurance for them. This gives you some peace of mind for when an emergency or unexpected expense does occur.

- With the plethora of dog breeds available it can seem like an overwhelming task when trying to choose the best breed for you and your family. It's very important to do thorough research when selecting a prospective breed. Breeds are often depicted and advertised in movies as amazing and perfectly trained, but this is not a realistic representation of most dogs. The Malinois depicted in John Wick, with all it's amazing stunts and specialized training is not automatic. They are an extremely high energy dog that requires multiple hours of exercise, mental stimulation, and training a day which is not conducive to most people's households or lifestyles. The Husky depicted in Togo has been bred for years to run in harsh conditions for miles on end. Are you prepared to give your husky lots of exercise, grooming, and training due to their independent nature and propensity for being escape artists? Each breed has been bred over hundreds of years for specific purposes and is genetically predisposed to certain behaviors. While the Labrador you have at home may not excel at duck hunting they are more predisposed to enjoy swimming; and while the Australian Shepherd you love may not herd sheep, you may see their herding instincts come out in other ways in how they interact with you and your family. Knowing the history of the breed you are interested in and their specific needs is essential. Whether going through a rescue, shelter, or breeder don't be afraid to ask questions. The goal is not just to get a new dog, the goal is to find a companion who is the best fit for you and your family - someone who becomes part of the family.

*To try and help with selecting the right breed for you and your family, try a dog breed selector quiz online.


1615 Volvo Pkwy
Chesapeake, VA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm




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