Hey everyone I have a lot of openings for September.. if you are new here and would like me to groom your dog. Let me know. I can get you on the books. I have a lot of opening coming up.
FYI- I do not answer my phone during the day. Because I usually have a dog on the table. So shoot me a text or a message here on Facebook. That's the fastest way to contact me. I get 100 calls a day from telemarketer and I never know who is who. So text me at either 704-290-4986 or 704-703-5817
Thanks and I hope to see some new faces! Here are some of my opeingings.
9/1- 11 am, 1 pm (Chesterfield/cheraw area)
9/5- 9:30, 11:30, 1- (hartsville area)
9/11- 9 or 10:30 anything in sc or Rockingham.
9/16- 12:30 or 1 (anywhere..I'll be in lake park that morning.. but will take any other place)
9/18- 12:30, 1 (any SC)
9/19- 12:30-1 (weddington)
9/30 anytime from 10:30- 1:30 ( wadesboro)
Keep in mind, just because I'll be in an area, doesn't mean I can't come to you. So if you want one of these dates and its not in (your) area, just message me and we can figure it out. Thanks!