Great watching good birds and great dog work!
Quail are still available. Contact us to place your order.
#quailhunting #quail #quailforsale
Birddogs, upland bird hunting Quail, good friends and missed opportunity! #dogtraining #hunterrunfarm #inukshuk #wipethesky #dogtra #quailhuntingdog #englishpointer
Working young dogs this weekend on birds. These dogs were between 6 & 9 months old. We are making this all positive at this point with no collar pressure just a little use of a check cord. #birddog #birddogoftheday #birddogs #englishsetter #englishpointer #uplandhuntingdog #hunterrunfarm #dogtraining #inukshuk #wipethesky #bossshotshell
Love seeing young dogs hit the water with such excitement! #blacklab #labrador #labradorretriever #fieldtriallabrador #dogtraining #waterfowlhunting #hunterrunfarm #inukshuk #wipethesky
Burning 🔥 season is in full swing. This is a vital part of managing for optimal habitat by encouraging NWSG and reduction of hardwoods. #controlburing #hunterrunfarm #conservation #habitatmanagement #bobwhitequail
We love to see these young pointers getting steady on birds! #filson #hunterrunfarm #wipethesky #orvis #orvisdogs #englishpointer #inukshuk #inukshukdogfood #uplandhunting #uplandbirdhunting #fausti #28gauge #28gaugesociety #lems #kuiu #darntough #southcarolinawildlifemagazine #scdnrhunts
Greenhead Country!!!
It was a great end to the season!! #duck #bossshotshells #duckhunting #tanglefreewaterfowl #stoneglacier #kuiu #beretta #28gauge #inukshuk #wipethesky #hunterrunfarm
Nice afternoon to just watch and relax.
Nice surprise today when work g a young pup!