Chesterfield Farm is a full-service equine boarding facility, which also operates a horseback riding educational program for riders of all ages and abilities. INFORMATION ON BOARDING:
The horses have spacious, 12x12 stalls and are turned out daily. The horses are fed twice a day and are given hay for their time in the stall. Our indoor arena, with sand and rubber footing and a misting sprinkler sy
stem, allows for enjoyable riding in all weather conditions. Outside there is a large sand arena and a small ring for dressage and lunging. Our farm provides an atmosphere of friendliness, education, care, and safety. You can ride for pleasure or train for competition. Beautiful wooded trails surround the property and provide opportunities for hacking. Please inquire for more information, either by email or phone! LESSON PROGRAM:
Lessons are private and last for approximately 45 minutes (30 minutes ring work, 15 minutes trail ride around property--weather permitting). We recommend that individuals planning on riding wear long pants, either leggings or jeans. Wear shoes with a heel for lesson, boots are preferred. A lesson progresses at the riders speed and confidence. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at anytime! Please inquire for price and/or lesson appointments and times! LOCATION:
Chesterfield Farm is located in Chesterfield, New Jersey, which borders Burlington and Mercer Counties. We are located in close proximity to Routes 195 and 295, the Route 1 Corridor, and the New Jersey Turnpike. See address section of INFORMATION for more detail.