2024 Winter Seminars!
Saturday, January 6th
10:30 am -12 pm: Loose Leash Walking
$65, intensive work on walking without pulling. This is NOT a reactivity class.
1 pm - 2:30 pm: Obedience/Manners
$65, topics covered include sit, down, stay, recall, leave it, and meet&greets
Saturday, January 13th
10:30 am -12 pm: Leash Reactivity, How do you deal with it?
$65, intensive work on overcoming reactivity (barking, lunging, growling on leash)
1 pm - 2:30 pm: Obedience/Manners
$65, topics covered include sit, down, stay, recall, leave it, and meet&greets
January 27th
10:30 am -12 pm: Loose Leash Walking
$65, intensive work on walking without pulling. This is NOT a reactivity class.
1 pm - 2:30 pm: Obedience/Manners
$65, topics covered include sit, down, stay, recall, leave it, and meet&greets
No walk ins, reservations must be made by emailing [email protected]. Electronic payment expected 24 hrs ahead of time (in case of weather). Limited spots so reach out if interested!
*reminder, these are outdoor seminars so please dress appropriately. They will be cancelled or rescheduled if it is below freezing, raining, or snowing