We have been having so much fun in group class over these past few weeks! I love seeing the improvements everyone has made so far and I just know everyone will continue to do amazing✨
#groupclasses #dogtraining #beverlychicago #dogtrainingclasses
This video may not look like much, just a woman on a walk with her dog. But a few months ago Mary and Ray's walks looked nothing like this.
Little Ray was OBSESSED with picking things up on his walks and eating them; sticks, mulch, grass, mud, you name it. And it caused both him and his mom a lot of stress. Mary had to spend the whole walk keeping him from trying to snatch something, and he was always frantically searching for something to eat! She put a lot of time into helping him see that he didn't have to do that and now they can both enjoy their walks! Ray is much more relaxed and seems to actually enjoying himself. And Mary can relax and enjoy spending time with her dog.
This is my goal here at Light The Way. I am always striving to develop and strengthen the relationship between my clients and their dogs🐾
#dogtrainingchicago #dogtraining #dogtrainer #chicagodogtraining #chicagodogtrainer #oaklawndog #dogsofchicago #grouptrainingclass #evergreenparkdogs #dogsofoaklawn #dogsofbeverly #mountgreenwoodchicago #oaklawnillinois #evergreenparkillinois #beverlyil #beverlyillinois #beverlychicago
Would you trust your morning coffee to your dog's leash manners??
If not, I can help with that! Private lessons available and new group class starting soon! Reach out for more details!🐾
#looseleashwalking #looseleash #leashmanners #dogtrainingchicago #dogtraining #dogtrainer #chicagodogtraining #chicagodogtrainer #oaklawndog #dogsofchicago #grouptrainingclass #evergreenparkdogs #dogsofoaklawn #dogsofbeverly #mountgreenwoodchicago #oaklawnillinois #evergreenparkillinois #beverlyil #beverlyillinois #beverlychicago