Real slacker on pictures over the summer. Boarders, class graduates and training dogs have kept us busy busy❤️🐾❤️
#puppypawsintrainingwithkatie #inhomedogboarding #dogboarding #dogtrickstraining #basicobediencetraining #puppytraining #dogdaytraining #boardandtraindogtraining
Summer vacation with Lady❤️🐾❤️ #dogvacation #michigandogs #paddleboardingdog #lovedogs #summertime #familytime
Training with Jamison, Sadie, Choncho, Paddy and Walter. Great dogs❤️🐾❤️#dogs #positiveobediencetraining #looseleashwalking #sitstay #comewhencalled #basicobedience #pottytraining #puppypawsintrainingwithkatie
Lots of fun with our boarding dogs Booker, Addie, Charlie, Buddy, Honey and Winston🐾❤️🐾 We can’t wait for their next visit ❤️❤️❤️
Board and train and day training dogs🐾Nala, Big Bear, Finn, Winston and Emii. Loved working with these sweet pups🐾 #dogobedience #dogboardandtrain #dogdaytraining #puppypawsintrainingwithkatie #dogpositivetraining #doglover
Day training pups did great the last two week❤️1 Duke,2 Bruce, 3 Riley and 4 Snuffy worked on no jumping, come when called, loose leash, no barking and more. They went home tired everyday. 5 Kaiser is starting his potty training and staying with me until Friday❤️ 6 Honey, 7 Gunner, 8 Booker and Jager stayed with us while their owners were out of town. No stress boarding❤️🐾❤️🐾
Lots of training the last 2 weeks with Snuffy, Sunny, Gracie and Josie🐾❤️🐾#boardandtrain #daytraining #obediencetraining #positivetraining #doglife #sitcomestaydown
Last weeks doggie boarders Josie and Gunner🐾❤️🐾#dogfun #homeboardingfordogs #doglove #dogsleepover
Graduation and trick titles for these cute pups🐾❤️🐾#puppygraduation🐶🎓❤️ #tricktraining #tricktitles #dogobedienceclasses #positiveobediencetraining
We are having so much fun playing with our doggie boarders🐾❤️🐾 lots of laughs with this group this week. Hazel, Duncan, Beatrice and Beau🐾❤️🐾.
#dogboarding #dogfun #dogplaying #dogsleepover #puppypawsintrainingwithkatie