Welcome back, Snacks!
#dogsitting #dogsitter #chicagodog #chicagodogs #westloopdogs #dogsofwestloop #westie #westiepuppy
The loudest, quietest 20+ minutes of the day. 😂 Mashed potato and cod for the win.
#pupsicle @mywoof #enrichment #nutritionalenrichment #gooddogs #whosagooddog #mywoofpupsicle #mywoof #thepositivepup
She totally let him win. 😂
#tugofwar #tugowar #killingit #chihuahuasofchicago #chicagochihuahuas #dogsitting #chicagodogdiary #chicagodogsitting #chicagodogsitter #chicagodogtrainer #chicagodogtraining #westloopdogs #dogsofwestloop
Biggie’s back!!! He’s in a much better mood now than the weather is nicer. Can dogs have SAD? Because I’m pretty sure Biggie has SAD. Now watch me go down that research rabbit hole.
#seasonalaffectivedisorder #chihuahuas #chicagochihuahuas #chihuahuasofinstagram #chihuahuasofchicago #westloopdogs #westloopscoop #chicagodogdiary #chicagodogtrainer #chicagodogtraining
On your mark. Get set. GO!!!
#chihuahuasofinstagram #chihuahuasofchicago #chicagochihuahua #westloopdogs #dogsofwestloop #dogsofchicago #chicagodogtrainer #chicagodogtraining #imfastafboi #lookathimgo #fastestdogintheworld #thepositivepup
When you’ve spent all morning being rude to anyone who tried to play with you so now you have to play all by yourself. 😢
#shestheproblem #chihuahuaproblems #citychihuahuas #chihuahuasofchicago #chicagodoggos #dogsitting #chicagodogmoms #chicagodogtrainer #chicagodogtraining
All three of these dogs are “begging” but one of them knows what works. 😉
They refused to be cute at the same time. 😂 Here’s my dog-selective boy deciding Ruby, the Frenchie is A-ok. 👍 10/10, would pup-sit again.