At the heart of the Green Era Campus is the Midwest’s first self-sustainable anaerobic digester, which will divert millions of pounds of food waste from landfills to produce clean energy and nutrient-rich compost. The result? A sustainable renewable energy source, new green jobs, expanded local food production, and community vitality.
We're on our way! We have submitted permit applications to the Chicago Department of Public Health to operate our Anaerobic Digester composting facility (Class III Recycling Facility) at the Green Era Campus - 650 W 83rd Street.
Want to support? CDPH is seeking public input on the applications. All written comments should be submitted to the Commissioner of CDPH at [email protected] by no later than May 16, 2022.
Click here to read the liquid waste permit application:
Click here to read the recycling permit application:
Repost from @erika_r_allen
Thanks to today’s community tour attendees. New collaborations and hopeful excitement. So much intellect and deferred genius. We truly are enough, let’s stop deferring our dreams. @greenerachicago @urbangrowerscollective @gagdc_chicago
Green Era Campus is a project that will provide healthy food and education to the community.
We’re building an anaerobic digester and green energy campus so it can serve as an anchor for economic development in this food apartheid area.
We want everyone who lives here—regardless of income level—to have access to healthy foods and quality services close by without having to travel far away or spend more money than they should on these basic needs. That’s why we need your help! Please donate or volunteer today to be a part of this important project for Auburn Gresham!
Donate or volunteer now by clicking the link below!
#anaerobicdigestion #greenenergy #urbanfarming #urbanagriculture #chicago #AuburnGresham #igrowugc
Together with the Green Era renewable energy campus, Urban Growers Collective and Simeon Career Academy students are putting in the work to recultivate community land and wealth. The harvest will be plenty. Join us for Auburn-Gresham’s first large-scale, people-powered urban farm, right at 83rd and Wallace.
Learn how you can get involved by visiting
The walls are up for the building housing our #anaerobicdigester in Auburn Gresham. When fully operational, the digester will convert 200 tons of food waste each day into green energy and compost. That is a whopping 400,000 lbs of food waste no longer being deposited into landfills daily. #savetheplant #climatechange
Turn on sound to hear Green Era Campus stories shared by Darion Crawford, UGC Urban Farmer & Instructor.
“I'm excited not to be filling these landfills, especially being it’s South Chicago and you just smell this awful smell. This is actually a couple days ago, I remember maybe it was the day before yesterday because yesterday I was in a real bad mood earlier in the day and I couldn't figure out why, but also remember just smelling this foul smell in the air. Just like methane that comes from…those landfills. Have you even had that out in South Chicago around Altgeld Gardens? …Then I just think about... As I looked around everybody seems to be pretty frustrated about something right now and I'm like, "What is going on?" And one of my friends she was like, "What is that smell?" I was like, "I think it's methane." She's like, "No, it smells like environmental racism." I was just like, "You know what, that's true. Your…smell is as important as your eyesight.”
Environmental justice is real for Southsiders. Join Urban Growers Collective in reclaiming our community’s right to clean air and rich soil. The renewable energy facility at 83rd and Wallace will transform food waste into rich compost, clean biogas without toxic odor and pollution.
Learn more about this initiative at
#alwaysgrowing #igrowugc #growwithus
Green Era, in partnership with Urban Growers Collective, is developing a renewable energy facility on the Southside of Chicago, located on a vacant brownfield site!
This area is in urgent need of development. Using anaerobic digestion, we will produce clean, renewable energy and nutrient-rich soil.
The design for the campus is being completed in partnership with students from Simeon Career Academy, as well as Urban Grower's Collective's Farmer's for Chicago Youth Corps.
This will, in turn, create jobs, sustainable neighborhoods and healthier lifestyles with the community being involved in the progress and process along the way.
You can be a part of the impact too! Get involved at