Have you ever received Massage Therapy? Many people today still consider massage to be a luxury experience, and that could not be further from the truth. Like our cars, our bodies are machines that experience a great deal of wear and tear as we go through our lives. Every few months your car has to get an oil change to prevent breakdown, and you and your horse are no different! Massage therapy is
an outlet for physical and emotional stress to be released, and offers our bodies a chance to bounce back to optimal functioning. Like the old saying, “A tree that does not bend will break,” muscles that do not stretch or give are more prone to sprains, strains or other injury. When you take a moment to consider your horse, and how we are constantly asking them to run faster, jump higher, stop on a dime, roll back and do it all over again; it becomes very obvious why they need this work as much as we do. Equine Bodywork is an ideal way to naturally enhance your equine athlete’s performance capabilities. And just like you, factors such as age and fitness, past injuries and conformation will affect how your horse responds to treatment. With progressive treatments, you may notice things like a greater willingness to work and cooperate, a freer, more fluid gait, or a reduction in the amount of time needed to heal from an injury and get back to work. Pain, postural and mobility issues can gradually melt away. While massage may not be a miracle cure, it is never too late to start feeling better! Now, imagine that both you and your horse are experiencing the lasting benefits of regular massage. When you are both feeling and moving better, how will that enhance your time spent in the saddle? You may find it easier to connect with your seat, to engage your horse, to collect, extend and otherwise maneuver your mount as you prepare for competition. When you consider the time, money, love and patience we invest in our horses, isn’t it worth it to incorporate Equine Bodywork that will increase their longevity?