Freddie is a young (~3 years), energetic dog looking for his forever home. He is potty trained and crate trained, capable of being home during a typical 9-5 work schedule. At dinner time, he will either cuddle up with his human on the couch to watch TV (he also likes to calmly watch the screen!), or lay on his cot.
He's playful and enjoys a variety of activities, including: fetch, chase, tug, going on walks, running alongside his human, hiking, GRC sports (wall climb, spring pole, weight pull), shredding stuffed dog toys, pack walks with his foster dog sibling, and cuddling. While he has not pursued disc, he would likely enjoy a disc sport such as UpDog or Freestyle. He will do almost anything for a tennis ball and loves when his people chase him after he retrieves it. Freddie is a fast learner and is food motivated, though he'd prefer to work in exchange for play time or enthusiastic affection rather than treats.
While he has the desire and capability to play, hike, or run for hours, he can be fulfilled with a few 10 min play or training sessions each day.
He can be nervous in new environments, though he is gaining confidence and will continue to do so as his family takes him to more locations. He is muzzle trained for veterinary visits and in case of emergency.
Freddie attends structured dog socials run by a dog trainer and is quickly learning appropriate dog socialization and body language. While he would prefer to be an only pet, he could successfully live with another dog if his family has experience with bully breeds and/or is proactive in reaching out to a trainer to help integrate him into the home safely. He has a high drive and should not go to a home with smaller animals.
Freddie loves belly rubs and wants nothing more than to be by his family's side. He is socially sensitive with a gentle soul, so his human's approval or disappointment means a great deal to him, and he will adjust his behavior accordingly. Due to his energetic nature, he would do best with an adult-only, or adult and teenage family.
Adopt Freddie!