Here is a nice Striped Tangerine Tremper Albino I have listed both on my website and on MorphMarket.
The exact pairing of this gecko is a Red Diamond x (Clown x Red Diamond) cross
Because bloodlines are what sell, I have the gecko’s title as a Clown x Red Diamond Cross Tangerine Tremper Albino and in the description I have the exact pairing. I could also list this gecko just as a Striped Tangerine Tremper Albino and be more specific with bloodline/pairing and hets in the description. Neither are really wrong and could be used interchangeably.
Here is the problem with breeders today and their ads - if this was someone else’s gecko, there is a good chance that they would list this gecko as a Red Diamond on their MM title ad because technically this gecko is 75% Red Diamond.
Let’s take a few popular bloodlines. For no particular reason let’s take pairings from Clown, Bandit, Firebold, and Red Diamond lines
(Firebold x Bandit) x Firebold does NOT mean you can list geckos from this pairing as Firebolds
(Bandit x Non lineage specific Bold Stripe) x Bandit does NOT mean you should list geckos from this pairing as Bandits. Bandits are a bloodline and should be listed as such if they come from the original line.
Red Diamond x (Clown x Red Diamond) which is the pairing of the gecko pictured below - does NOT mean I should list this gecko as a Red Diamond.
Listing a gecko as only a “Firebold” in the title but in the description adding that there is more in that gecko may potentially confuse a customer, and then that customer may start calling their new gecko a Firebold - and that right there will cause a domino affect of hurting the integrity of that bloodline.
Let’s normalize calling geckos what they are, whether it be the cross they came from (ie. Red Diamond x Clown) or their literal morph name (ie. Striped Tangerine Tremper Albino) and NOT listing them as the most popular bloodline they come from when there are other bloodlines/lineages at play. Whether it’s intentional or not, it’s dishonest, confusing, and can have an affect on the the integrity of that bloodline.