We hope so much that all our supporters and followers are enjoying a good end of year. Today we have a bit of a stressful message to share....tomorrow we will have a happy rescue story for end of year.
In addition to rescuing birds who have no other options, we also try to do educational outreach for those who care for birds compassionately.
We have raised the alarm about Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) multiple times over the years. Our rescuers and network all are cognizant of the risks. At this point, we must halt all bird intake for the protection of the existing birds in our care, and for the protection of our many caregivers and our veterinarians and their staff.
When it comes to advice on HPAI, we refer you to The Open Sanctuary Project, which is an objective organization that created eight separate resources on HPAI. We urge you to consider their main resource on HPAI as well as their biosecurity resource.
HPAI has impacted countless birds, wild-living mammals, and domesticated mammals and now humans. Please refer to the careful research done by OSP to protect your flocks and yourselves. Stay well, our dear friends and supporters, and care for every bird in your care.
A look at the viruses that cause avian influenza, how the disease is spread and manifests, and how to protect farmed bird residents.