Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP

Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP Chicagoland Rescue Intervention and Support Program (“CRISP”) provides low or no-cost services to he

Whether you’re moving, your landlord doesn’t allow pets, or the cost of pet maintenance is too high, taking your pet to the Chicago municipal shelter (Chicago Animal Care and Control or “CACC”) isn’t your only option. Chicagoland Rescue Intervention and Support Program (“CRISP”) provides free services to help Chicago pet owners keep their pets rather than surrendering them. And if we can’t help yo

u find a way to keep your pet, our network of Chicago dog and cat lovers will help you place them immediately with a rescue group or no-kill shelter to bypass the city shelter completely.

"Not absolutely sure how to start this but I guess, straight to the point and with the truth. Unfortunately, I am homele...

"Not absolutely sure how to start this but I guess, straight to the point and with the truth. Unfortunately, I am homeless with my cat. I'm looking for assistance for my cat Marley, that was hit by a car and needs amputation. I am homeless but if there's any way you can help me, or point me into the direction, it'll be highly appreciated."

Here at CRISP we don’t judge, we know someone's current situation does not affect the love owners have for their pets. Our CRISP clients are willing to do whatever they can to help their babies. Like Marley’s mom! Marley's mom reached out to us when her little kitten was hit by a car. She had been living in her car and unfortunately Marley had gotten out and hurt. Marley’s mom was not willing to leave her constant companion, so she reached out. We immeadiately saw how much Marley and her mom love each other. We had Marley seen at with our friends at Shelter Veterinary Solutions where she was able to get her leg amputated along with a spay.


"No estoy absolutamente segura de cómo empezar esto pero supongo que, directo al punto y con la verdad. Por desgracia, estoy sin hogar con mi gato. Estoy buscando ayuda para mi gata Marley, que fue atropellado por un coche y necesita amputación. Estoy sin hogar, pero si hay alguna manera de que me puede ayudar, o me apuntan en la dirección, será muy apreciada ".

Aquí en CRISP no juzgamos, sabemos que la situación actual de alguien no afecta al amor que los dueños sienten por sus mascotas. Nuestros clientes CRISP están dispuestos a hacer todo lo posible para ayudar a sus bebés. ¡Como la mamá de Marley! La mamá de Marley se puso en contacto con nosotros cuando su pequeño gatito fue atropellado por un coche. Ella había estado viviendo en su coche y por desgracia Marley había salido y herido. La mamá de Marley no estaba dispuesta a dejar a su compañero constante, por lo que se acercó a nosotros. Inmediatamente vimos lo mucho que Marley y su madre se quieren. Llevamos a Marley a ver a nuestros amigos de Shelter Veterinary Solutions, donde le amputaron la pierna y la esterilizaron.

"Sherman is the sweetest dude you will ever meet. He never scratches or bites... Just all snuggles and purrs. There is n...

"Sherman is the sweetest dude you will ever meet. He never scratches or bites... Just all snuggles and purrs. There is no meditation buddy better than this master of Zen. He's hasn't been his self lately due to his bladder problem and it breaks my heart to see him so uncomfortable. I would be forever grateful if we can get him back to normal. I love him with all of my heart."

Sherman’s dad noticed that he seemed uncomfortable and was not urinating. He reached out to many hospitals looking for help. Luckily they called our friends at Shelter Veterinary Solutions who were willing to help. Sherman’s dad needed help affording his surgery and we were happy to help. Sherman was able to go home with his dad the next day!

"Sherman es el tipo más dulce que jamás conocerás. Nunca araña ni muerde... Sólo se acurruca y ronronea. No hay mejor compañero de meditación que este maestro del Zen. No ha sido él mismo últimamente debido a su problema de vejiga y me rompe el corazón verlo tan incómodo. Estaría eternamente agradecida si pudiéramos hacer que volviera a la normalidad. Le quiero con todo mi corazón".

El padre de Sherman se dio cuenta de que parecía incómodo y no orinaba. Se puso en contacto con muchos hospitales en busca de ayuda. Por suerte, llamaron a nuestros amigos de Shelter Veterinary Solutions, que estaban dispuestos a ayudar. El padre de Sherman necesitaba ayuda para costearse la operación y nosotros estuvimos encantados de ayudarle. Sherman pudo irse a casa con su padre al día siguiente!

“We adopted Hank when he was about 4 from a shelter in the middle of nowhere. We don't know what his previous home was l...

“We adopted Hank when he was about 4 from a shelter in the middle of nowhere. We don't know what his previous home was like, but we have found out that he's one of the smartest dogs with their weirdest preferences and the attitude of a grumpy old man- and we love him for it. His favorite time is when everyone is home and sitting on the couch, as long as no one sits in His Spot. Hank has been with me through the hardest year of my life and has been a huge source of comfort. The idea that a sh*tty run of luck has led to the possibility of losing him forever feels awful. He is the goodest boy who sometimes just eats the worst things."

This is the face of a pup who ate something he shouldn’t of. Hank loves to eat things he finds, so when he ate paper mache pulp his owners instantly became worried. They reached out to many hospitals but the only response they received was from Shelter Veterinary Solutions who told them to reach out to us for assistance with possible surgery. We had him seen and he was hospitalized. Luckily, Hank was did not have a foreign body but a VERY upset tummy. Hank was able to go home with meds and recovered well!


"Adoptamos a Hank cuando tenía unos 4 años de un refugio en medio de la nada. No sabemos cómo era su anterior hogar, pero hemos descubierto que es uno de los perros más listos con sus preferencias más raras y la actitud de un viejo gruñón- y le queremos por esa razón. Su momento favorito es cuando todos están en casa y se sientan en el sofá, siempre y cuando nadie se siente en Su Lugar. Hank ha estado conmigo durante el año más duro de mi vida y ha sido una gran fuente de consuelo. La idea de que una mala racha de suerte me haya llevado a la posibilidad de perderle para siempre me parece horrible. Es el chico más bueno que a veces se come las peores cosas".

Esta es la cara de un cachorro que ha comido algo que no debía. A Hank le encanta comer cosas que encuentra, así que cuando comió pulpa de papel maché sus dueños se preocuparon al instante. Se pusieron en contacto con muchos hospitales, pero la única respuesta que recibieron fue la de Shelter Veterinary Solutions, que les dijo que se pusieran en contacto con nosotros para que les ayudáramos con una posible operación. Hicimos que lo vieran y lo hospitalizaron. Por suerte, Hank no tenía un cuerpo extraño, sino una barriga MUY alterada. Hank pudo irse a casa con medicamentos y se recuperó bien.

"Hello dear team CRISP my name is Val. I am 12 years old and I live in Chicago. I have been looking for help for my dog ...

"Hello dear team CRISP my name is Val. I am 12 years old and I live in Chicago. I have been looking for help for my dog who is 1 year and a half his name is Benji. We went to Animal Control yesterday and they gave me information about your organization."

This is Benji, his 12 year old sister reached out to us for help with him. What a cool kid! His family was worried about the cloudiness they noticed in his eyes. Turns out the cloudiness was a cataract and Benji needed an enucleation. We were able to help Benji get the surgery he needed and his back home with his little sister and biggest advocate!

"Hola querido equipo CRISP me llamo Val. Tengo 12 años y vivo en Chicago. He estado buscando ayuda para mi perro que tiene 1 año y medio su nombre es Benji. Ayer fuimos a Control de Animales y me dieron información sobre vuestra organización".

Este es Benji, su hermana de 12 años nos pidió ayuda con él. ¡Qué niña más chévere! Su familia estaba preocupada por la opacidad de sus ojos. Resulta que la opacidad era una catarata y Benji necesitaba una enucleación. Pudimos ayudar a Benji a someterse a la operación que necesitaba y volver a casa con su hermana pequeña y su mayor defensor.

“Bruce is a beam of light in our family! My boyfriend's little brother rescued Bruce last summer when he heard meowing f...

“Bruce is a beam of light in our family! My boyfriend's little brother rescued Bruce last summer when he heard meowing from a car engine near his home. Bruce quickly became attached to my little brother and won the hearts of all our family. He was severely malnourished when we found him but with close care from my little brother and love from the entire family, he quickly gained strength and became the lively, kind, and playful Bruce we know! Due to other family health emergencies as of late, I cannot provide him with this care. Bruce is the type of cat that makes dog lovers rethink their choice! He greets visitors at the door and always welcomes them with a meow hello in hopes of getting some pets. It would be a huge loss to lose such a ray of light in my family's life during an already difficult time.”

Bruce came to us needing help with surgery for a linear foreign body after eating a toy string. Unfortunately, his owners could not cover the cost of surgery. They reached out to us, and we were happy to help. We had Bruce head over to Countryside where they were able to perform his surgery. Bruce made it through surgery and we’re happy to report he is still a beaming light for his family.

"¡Bruce es un rayo de luz en nuestra familia! El hermano pequeño de mi novio rescató a Bruce el verano pasado cuando oyó maullar el motor de un coche cerca de su casa. Bruce se encariñó rápidamente con mi hermano pequeño y se ganó el corazón de toda nuestra familia. Estaba gravemente desnutrido cuando lo encontramos, pero gracias a los cuidados de mi hermano pequeño y al cariño de toda la familia, rápidamente recuperó fuerzas y se convirtió en el Bruce vivaracho, amable y juguetón que conocemos. Debido a otras emergencias de salud familiares últimamente, no puedo proporcionarle estos cuidados. Bruce es el tipo de gato que hace que los amantes de los perros se replanteen su elección. Recibe a los visitantes en la puerta y siempre les da la bienvenida con un hola maullido con la esperanza de conseguir algunas mascotas. Sería una gran pérdida perder un rayo de luz así en la vida de mi familia durante un momento ya de por sí difícil."

Bruce llegó a nosotros necesitando ayuda para operarse de un cuerpo extraño lineal tras comerse una cuerda de juguete. Por desgracia, sus dueños no podían cubrir el coste de la operación. Se pusieron en contacto con nosotros y estuvimos encantados de ayudarles. Llevamos a Bruce a Countryside, donde le operaron. Bruce superó la operación y nos complace informar de que sigue siendo una luz radiante para su familia.

“My mom passed in April. I have hade to take on some additional financial and family obligations due to this. I have an ...

“My mom passed in April. I have hade to take on some additional financial and family obligations due to this. I have an 8 yr old female pit bull. Recently had vaccinations and was checked for cherry eye. They said that it is a tumor and will need to see a specialist and have a procedure done to remove it. My concern is the cost at this time.”

When Queenie's dad reached out to us, he let us know Queenie had a mass on her eye but we had no clue the mass was as big as it was. When we had her seen with our friends at SVS they told us it was about the size of a plum (Picture in comments, not for the faint of heart!). Thankfully, her dad was proactive in getting her help and we were happy to say yes. Luckily, our amazing friends at Shelter Veterinary Solutions were willing to take on her surgery! Our sweet girl Queenie had her eye mass removed and has been home enjoying life since!


"Mi madre falleció en abril. He tenido que asumir algunas obligaciones financieras y familiares adicionales debido a esto. Tengo un pit bull hembra de 8 años. Recientemente tuvo vacunas y se comprobó para el ojo de cereza. Me han dicho que es un tumor y que tendré que ver a un especialista y someterla a un procedimiento para extirparlo. Mi preocupación es el costo en este momento".

Cuando el padre de Queenie se puso en contacto con nosotros, nos dijo que Queenie tenía una masa en el ojo, pero no teníamos ni idea de que la masa era tan grande como era. Cuando la vimos con nuestros amigos de SVS, nos dijeron que era del tamaño de una ciruela. Afortunadamente, su padre fue proactivo a la hora de conseguirle ayuda y estuvimos encantados de decir que sí. ¡Afortunadamente SVS estaba dispuesto a asumir su cirugía! A nuestra dulce Queenie le extirparon la masa ocular y desde entonces está en casa disfrutando de la vida.

"We love Gus Gus, we rescued him as a kitten, and since day one, he was playful and loved to cuddle. He is amazing with ...

"We love Gus Gus, we rescued him as a kitten, and since day one, he was playful and loved to cuddle. He is amazing with our 3 kids, and he loves to play with our other cat Ella. He is always making us laugh and it's hard not to pick him up and give him a big hug. Everyone loves Gus Gus. We love him and his playful personality."

Gus' mom had gone to Countryside when he seemed to feel unwell. There she found out that unfortunately he had swallowed a toy. She was quoted for surgery but found it was much more than she could afford. The doctor recommended she reach out to us and she quickly emailed. Gus was able to have his foreign body surgery and we're so happy to say he's back at home with his family.

"Nos encanta Gus Gus, lo rescatamos cuando era un gatito, y desde el primer día, era juguetón y le encantaban los mimos. Es increíble con nuestros 3 hijos, y le encanta jugar con nuestra otra gata Ella. Siempre nos está haciendo reír y es difícil no cogerlo y darle un gran abrazo. Todo el mundo quiere a Gus Gus. Nos encanta él y su personalidad juguetona".

La madre de Gus había ido a Countryside cuando pareció que no se encontraba bien. Allí descubrió que, por desgracia, se había tragado un juguete. Le presupuestaron una operación, pero se dio cuenta de que era mucho más de lo que podía permitirse. El médico le recomendó que se pusiera en contacto con nosotros y rápidamente nos envió un correo electrónico. Gus pudo someterse a la operación de cuerpo extraño y estamos muy contentos de que esté de vuelta en casa con su familia.

KodiakCare continues to be an amazing supporter of CRISP clients and their pets. Let's show them some love and check out...

KodiakCare continues to be an amazing supporter of CRISP clients and their pets. Let's show them some love and check out their amazing auction!!

"He is my life and he is my constant companion.  I have no children, yet he is my baby!"Rey Fluffy’s mom reached out to ...

"He is my life and he is my constant companion. I have no children, yet he is my baby!"

Rey Fluffy’s mom reached out to us when Fluffy was having nonstop nose bleeds. His mom is a senior who can't afford multiple veterinary visits, so we helped her out. We were able to have him seen and the doctor sent Fluffy home with medications to help control his nose bleeds and he is doing much better.


"Él es mi vida y es mi compañero constante. No tengo hijos, pero es mi bebé".

La madre de Rey Fluffy se puso en contacto con nosotros cuando Fluffy no paraba de sangrar por la nariz. Su madre es una persona mayor que no puede permitirse varias visitas al veterinario, así que la ayudamos. Pudimos hacer que lo vieran y el médico envió a Fluffy a casa con medicamentos para ayudar a controlar sus hemorragias nasales y está mucho mejor.

"I found Mary alone, abandoned at two to three weeks old. Shaking and crying. She got her name Mary, for help and a mira...

"I found Mary alone, abandoned at two to three weeks old. Shaking and crying. She got her name Mary, for help and a miracle. I just found out today that my little cat Mary has "pyometra" which needs immediate attention. They are looking to perform surgery in the event that I get financial support. I would be immensely grateful for your support."

Mary's mom reached out to us for help after having taken her Countryside Veterinary Center. There she was informed that Mary had a Pyometra. She let them know she could not afford surgery and they let her know about our program. Mary’s mom was very proactive about getting Mary the help she needed, emailing us immediately to ensure Mary would be okay. We were happy to help Mary get pyometra surgery so that she could go home with the family that loves her very much. She is doing immensely better back at home despite her very worried face in the picture.


"Encontré a Mary sola, abandonada a las dos o tres semanas de vida. Temblando y llorando. Ella obtuvo su nombre Mary, por ayuda y un milagro. Acabo de enterarme hoy de que mi gatita Mary tiene "piometra" que necesita atención inmediata. Están buscando realizar una cirugía en caso de que consiga apoyo financiero. Estaría inmensamente agradecida por su apoyo".

La mamá de Mary se puso en contacto con nosotros para pedir ayuda después de haberla llevado a Countryside Veterinary Center. Allí le informaron de que Mary tenía una piometra. Ella les hizo saber que no podía pagar por la cirugía y ellos le dieron a conocer nuestro programa. La madre de Mary fue muy proactiva a la hora de conseguirle a Mary la ayuda que necesitaba, enviándonos correos electrónicos inmediatamente para asegurarse de que Mary estaría bien. Estuvimos encantados de ayudar a Mary a operarse de piometra para que pudiera volver a casa con la familia que tanto la quiere. Está mucho mejor en casa, a pesar de la cara de preocupación que se ve en la foto.

"My Zeus is my everything. My Companionship, My support. He helps with my anxiety. So I try to give him his best life po...

"My Zeus is my everything. My Companionship, My support. He helps with my anxiety. So I try to give him his best life possible. I added a few pics of Zeus below. One with his thunder shirt taken during the 4th of July, Another pic of him being silly in Bed and 2 others."

When we receive pictures like these we can't help but notice how loved all the dogs we help at CRISP are. Like Zeus! Who needed some help getting surgery for his ear. Luckily, Zeus' dad reached out to us for help and we were happy to say yes! Zeus is currently on his way home from getting surgery for his aural hematoma with our friends at Countryside Veterinary Center. Please wish this big guy a speedy recovery!
"Mi Zeus es mi todo. Mi compañía, mi apoyo. Me ayuda con mi ansiedad. Así que trato de darle la mejor vida posible. He añadido algunas fotos de Zeus a continuación. Una con su camisa de trueno tomada durante el 4 de julio, Otra foto de él siendo divertido en su cama y otras 2".

Cuando recibimos fotos como estas no podemos dejar de notar cómo amado todos los perros que ayudamos en CRISP son. ¡Como Zeus! Que necesitaba un poco de ayuda para conseguir la cirugía para su oído. ¡Por suerte, el padre de Zeus se acercó a nosotros en busca de ayuda y estábamos felices de decir que sí! Zeus se encuentra actualmente en su camino a casa de conseguir la cirugía de su hematoma aural con nuestros amigos en Countryside Veterinary Center. Le deseamos una pronta recuperación.

"As a parent I'd do anything for my children including Tabby. He's my baby boy to lose him to me is near the equivalent ...

"As a parent I'd do anything for my children including Tabby. He's my baby boy to lose him to me is near the equivalent of losing my child, I'm his mommy, the only mommy he's ever known."

For many of us our pets are our first babies. They teach us responsibility, to care caring something outside of yourself and most importantly they show us unconditional love. This was the case for Tabby the cat. In the pictures below you can see him as a little kitten when he first joined his Mom and you can also see him as a big brother to his human sibling. As you can imagine, Tabby is a big part of the family so when Tabby got into a bottle of aspirin his mom quickly got him care. Quickly she realized hospitalization is expensive and reached out to us. We were able to help hospitalize Tabby and we are so happy to let everyone know that he is back home getting the snuggles he deserves.

A message from his mom: "Thank you so much for everything you and your organization did for Tabby and I. He's settling back in to his and it's because of you! I went from being told he might have to be put to sleep to me holding him everyday since❤️
There will never be enough thank yous I can say but, from the bottom of my heart thank you for helping my baby boy live I am forever grateful ❤️"
"Como padre haría cualquier cosa por mis hijos, incluido Tabby. Es mi bebé perderlo para mí es casi el equivalente a perder a mi hijo, soy su mami, la única mami que ha conocido".

Para muchos de nosotros nuestras mascotas son nuestros primeros bebés. Nos enseñan responsabilidad, a cuidar de algo ajeno a nosotros y, lo más importante, nos muestran amor incondicional. Este fue el caso del gato Tabby. En las fotos de abajo se le puede ver como un gatito cuando se unió por primera vez a su mamá y también se le puede ver como hermano mayor de su hermano humano. Como te puedes imaginar, Tabby es una gran parte de la familia, así que cuando Tabby se metió en un bote de aspirinas su mamá rápidamente lo atendió. Rápidamente se dio cuenta de que la hospitalización es cara y se puso en contacto con nosotros. Pudimos ayudar a hospitalizar a Tabby y estamos muy contentos de que todo el mundo sepa que está de vuelta en casa recibiendo los abrazos que se merece.

Un mensaje de su madre: "Muchas gracias por todo lo que usted y su organización han hecho por Tabby y por mí. Está volviendo a hacer sus travesuras... ¡y es gracias a ustedes! Pasé de que me dijeran que había que dormirlo a tenerlo en brazos todos los días desde su tratamiento❤️
Nunca podré daros las gracias suficientes, pero desde el fondo de mi corazón os doy las gracias por ayudar a mi pequeño a vivir y os estaré eternamente agradecida ❤️"

CRISP is at CACC Today! We are so happy to be in person helping owners with their pets! Like Kookie here, whose mom came...

CRISP is at CACC Today! We are so happy to be in person helping owners with their pets! Like Kookie here, whose mom came in as soon as she heard we'd be here. She showed us all the visits they've had for Kookie and they just can't keep up with her mobility issues. We were happy to offer assistance! We hope to have Kookie seen at one of our partner veterinary clinics soon!
¡CRISP está en CACC hoy! ¡Estamos tan contentos de estar en persona ayudando a los propietarios con sus mascotas! Como Cuqui aquí, cuya madre vino tan pronto como se enteró de que estaríamos aquí. Ella nos mostró todas las visitas que han tenido para Kookie y simplemente no pueden mantenerse al día con sus problemas de movilidad. ¡Estábamos felices de ofrecer ayuda! Esperamos que Cuqui sea vista pronto en una de nuestras clínicas veterinarias asociadas.

“Miss P has saved my life more than once. She means the world to me. I’m just trying to show her the same love she has s...

“Miss P has saved my life more than once. She means the world to me. I’m just trying to show her the same love she has shown me when I needed it. I just need to find a way to help my dog. I don’t know what I would do without her”

So many of us would do whatever it takes for our beloved pets, Miss P’s mom was no different. Miss Piddleson’s mom reached out after noticing something wasn’t right after her spay surgery. Miss Piddleson was still occasionally bleeding and lethargic. Her mom quickly got her to the vet where they found she had an ovarian remnant but unfortunately she did not have the funds for surgery. Luckily our awesome friends at Shelter Veterinary Solutions helped us with her surgery to remove her o***y and Miss Piddleson is back at home.

"La señorita P me ha salvado la vida más de una vez. Ella significa el mundo para mí. Sólo intento mostrarle el mismo amor que ella me ha mostrado cuando lo he necesitado. Sólo necesito encontrar la manera de ayudar a mi perra. No sé qué haría sin ella".

Muchos de nosotros haríamos lo que fuera por nuestras queridas mascotas, y la madre de la señorita P no era diferente. La madre de Miss Piddleson se puso en contacto con ella tras notar que algo no iba bien después de su operación de esterilización. Miss Piddleson seguía sangrando ocasionalmente y estaba aletargada. Su madre la llevó rápidamente al veterinario, donde descubrieron que tenía un resto ovárico, pero por desgracia no tenía fondos para operarla. Por suerte, nuestros increíbles amigos de Shelter Veterinary Solutions nos ayudaron con la operación para extirparle el ovario y Miss Piddleson está de vuelta en casa.

It's been a busy week over here but we are so happy to help improve lives! This little beefcake is Sinceer and unfortuna...

It's been a busy week over here but we are so happy to help improve lives! This little beefcake is Sinceer and unfortunately, he managed to get out of his yard and get hit by a car. Luckily the awesome staff at Canine Therapy Corps and community members jumped into action and helped save his life. He was hospitalized but still needs a lot of medical care to make sure he's okay. His owner stayed by his side a whole 12 hours to make sure he was okay and all we want is for Sinceer to make it home healthy. If you can, consider donating to this sweet boys medical care.
Ha sido una semana muy ocupada, pero estamos muy contentos de poder ayudar a mejorar vidas. Este perrito es Sinceer y, por desgracia, se salio de su patio y fue atropellado por un coche. Por suerte, el increíble personal de Canine Therapy Corps y los miembros de la comunidad entraron en acción y ayudaron a salvarle la vida. Fue hospitalizado pero aún necesita muchos cuidados médicos para asegurarse de que está bien. Su dueña se quedó a su lado 12 horas para asegurarse de que estaba bien y lo único que queremos es que Sinceer llegue sano a casa. Si puedes, considera hacer una donación para la atención médica de este dulce niño.

Hello everyone! This cute kitten's name is Vision and despite his name, Vision could not see out of his little eyes! His...

Hello everyone! This cute kitten's name is Vision and despite his name, Vision could not see out of his little eyes! His owner tried to take him to the vet and treat Vision's eyes with medication but one of his eyes was not responding to treatment. His owner could not afford the eye removal surgery he needed but that's where we stepped in. Vision had his eye removed and is doing much better! Vision will be back for a revision and a neuter once he is big enough!
¡Hola a todos! Este simpático gatito se llama Vision y, a pesar de su nombre, ¡no podía ver por sus ojitos! Su dueño intentó llevarlo al veterinario y medicarlo, pero uno de sus ojos no respondía al tratamiento. Su dueño no podía permitirse la operación de extirpación ocular que necesitaba, pero ahí es donde entramos nosotros. Le extirparon el ojo y está mucho mejor. Vision volverá para una revisión y una esterilización cuando crezca lo suficiente.

With the 4th of July around the corner we wanted to remind everyone of general safety tips to keep your pets safe.______...

With the 4th of July around the corner we wanted to remind everyone of general safety tips to keep your pets safe.
Con el 4 de julio a la vuelta de la esquina queríamos recordar a todos los consejos generales de seguridad para mantener a salvo a sus mascotas.

"I am 62 years old and on a limited budget. He is my life and he is my constant companion.  I have no children, yet he i...

"I am 62 years old and on a limited budget. He is my life and he is my constant companion. I have no children, yet he is my baby!"

Many of us can relate to the feeling that our pets are our children. When Rey Fluffy began to experience constant nose bleeds his mom was very concerned. She reached out to us for help and we were happy to say yes! We had Fluffy checked out and sent home with medications to help. He is doing much better at home and has not struggled with a nose bleed since!

"Tengo 62 años y un presupuesto limitado. Es mi vida y mi compañero inseparable. No tengo hijos, pero es mi bebé".

Muchos de nosotros podemos identificarnos con la sensación de que nuestras mascotas son nuestros hijos. Cuando Rey Fluffy empezó a sangrar constantemente por la nariz, su mama se preocupó mucho. Nos pidió ayuda y nosotros aceptamos encantados. Fluffy fue examinado y lo enviamos a casa con medicamentos para ayudarle. Está mucho mejor en casa y desde entonces no ha vuelto a sangrar por la nariz.

Hi everyone! We've been really busy over here at CRISP! Right now, we are averaging about a client a day! While it's a l...

Hi everyone! We've been really busy over here at CRISP! Right now, we are averaging about a client a day! While it's a lot of work, we are so happy to be able to keep pets and families together, like little Tru. Tru suffered from a re**al prolapse and despite her owners getting her treated, she still needed emergency surgery.

Thanks to our awesome supporters we were able to help Tru get the surgery she needed. We are happy to report that she is doing so well at home recovering from her surgery and spay!

Stay tuned this week to see all the great cases we've been able to help!

¡Hola a todos! ¡Hemos estado muy ocupados aquí en CRISP! ¡En este momento, estamos un promedio de un cliente al día! Si es mucho trabajo, pero estamos muy contentos de poder mantener a las mascotas y las familias juntas, como la pequeña Tru. Tru sufría un prolapso re**al y a pesar de que sus dueños lallevaron al doctor, Tru necesitaba una intervención quirúrgica de urgencia.

Gracias a nuestros fantásticos seguidores pudimos ayudar a Tru a someterse a la operación que necesitaba. Nos alegra informaros de que está muy bien en casa, recuperándose de la operación y la esterilización.

Siguan atento esta semana para ver todos los casos fantásticos a los que hemos podido ayudar.

24Pet organiza su primer evento de microchips de 24 horas con ubicaciones en toda la zona de Chicago. Únase a nosotros c...

24Pet organiza su primer evento de microchips de 24 horas con ubicaciones en toda la zona de Chicago. Únase a nosotros con su amigo peludo el sábado 24 de junio de 2023. One Tail at a Time ofrecerá microchips gratuitos de 9 de la mañana a 3 de la tarde en Ellis Vet Clinic (635 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60612).

Se atenderá a las mascotas por orden de llegada. Asegúrese de llevar a los perros con correa y a los gatos y conejos en jaulas para que se les pueda poner el microchip de forma segura.

El microchip es la única forma fiable y permanente de identificación que puede ayudarle a reunirse con su mascota si alguna vez se pierde. Para obtener más información y encontrar otros lugares pmrticipantes, visite:

24Pet is hosting its first-ever 24-hour microchipping event with locations across the Chicagoland area. Join us with you...

24Pet is hosting its first-ever 24-hour microchipping event with locations across the Chicagoland area. Join us with your furry friend on Saturday, June 24, 2023. One Tail at a Time will be hosting free microchips from 9am-3pm at the Ellis Vet Clinic (635 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60612).

Pets will be helped on a first-come first served basis. Be sure to bring dogs on leashes and cats and rabbits in carriers in order for them to safely be microchipped.

Microchipping is the only reliable, permanent form of identification that can help reunite you with your pet if they ever get lost. For more information and to find other participating locations visit:


2741 S Western Avenue
Chicago, IL


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I know you're not supposed to have favorites, but of the ~300 dogs and cats that came to our first Community Pet Day vaccine/microchip clinic of the year, Gizmo was mine.

Yes, Gizmo is handsome and sweet and and has the kind of face you dream about smooshing. But he's also a perfect example of what happens when we unite with our neighbors.

Gizmo's new mom took him in after his last family struggled with his care. She knew we would help her get him vaccinated and chipped, and the kind volunteer vets at our clinic also helped him on his way to healthy skin and a pain free life.

Our mission is to help pets in shelters, but it's also to lend a hand to pet owners in Chicago who need it. I went to bed last night a little sunburnt and dehydrated, but also full of the kind of hope that comes from knowing what kind of a difference we can make for a dog like Gizmo.

I'm so grateful to our Pet Mutual Aid department and our Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP coalition for making this happen.

As the tide turns from a reactive and punitive animal welfare industry to a community and resourced based system, we'll be here enjoying every minute of it.

Happy life, Gizmo
We love our rescue partners! Thank you Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP for all you do for the community! We are glad Dasha is on the road to recovery 🐾
🤩We've been making some really nice donations lately that we would like to share with you:
* we made our monthly monetary donation to Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP
* we made a monetary donation to Alive Rescue Chicago
* we made an apparel/accessories donation to Shore Saves New Jersey
We Always donate back to rescue, with every purchase made❣️
"From the bottom of my heart, my family and I just wanted to thank your for everything." -Aly

This photo absolutely crushes me and we did everything we could to help Comfy and her Dad. He recently lost his wife and Comfy was the one thing that brought him joy. We did everything we could to help save him, but the lymphoma had taken over his precious body. Thank you to Aly at Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP for sending them our way.

While this photo is quite heartbreaking, we were able to cover paw prints and ashes today. The vet graciously covered euthanasia for the family. These days are so tough for us, but we are so honored to have been there for the family. We send all the love.

NEW Dog Whisperer BIG CHUCK MCBRIDE / SafeCalm Training Collars
❄🌲Chicago Animal Care + Control is full. This is why our holiday donation will be going to Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP and Alive Rescue. Visit our retail store inside Painted Tree Boutiques and shop bandanas (Like Gibson here), gifts, dog toys and accessories. Or shop online on or our Etsy store. 🌲❄
There isn't a day that goes by that we don't talk to at least a few people who come to us on the verge of tears because their pet is in trouble and they don't have the resources to help. Our favorite thing to say is "We might be able to help so you don't have to leave your friend here." Their expressions of relief are priceless, and we are relieved, too. Please consider supporting our amazing partners Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP.
SCCR is SO incredibly honored and proud to have played a small part in this weekend's Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP event in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood. Along with several other rescues, we helped provide flea and tick preventative, microchips, ID tags, vaccines, leashes and collars, and food! We are over the moon with how it turned out - over 175 pets were served! ❤

PS - donations here will be earmarked for the services provided by CRISP
On Saturday our team worked with the other Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP rescue groups to put on our first large scale Community Pet Day since the pandemic began. Thanks to this group effort we were able to serve over 175 pets and their families!

One Tail at a Time's new Pet Mutual Aid program has built a great relationship with Pilsen Food Pantry who hosted us and made sure to have human health services, including flu and covid vaccines, available during the event.

Our CRISP friends Alive Rescue, Mutts of the Midway, Second City Canine Rescue, and Heartland Animal Shelter worked with us to provide vaccines to dogs and cats, extra medical care to sick pets, flea and tick preventative, new leashes and collars, pet food, microchips and ID tags.

Our OTAT volunteers worked registration, worked with reactive dogs, and passed out flea/tick preventatives. Our OTAT staff including Kerry, Dr. Hampton, and Ian helped microchip and vaccinate. And our Spanish speaking volunteers were a lifeline to ensuring we could communicate with our Pilsen neighbors.

Thank you to EVERYONE who made such a wonderful day possible!
Today we hosted our first vaccine clinic since 2019 with other Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program - CRISP partners. It felt amazing to be back helping cats and dogs in our city. Final numbers are still out, but it looks like we were able to vaccinate and microchip approximately 180 animals. In addition to providing vaccines and microchips we also provided donated leashes, collars, harnesses, ID tags, food, flea/tick meds, and cat carriers.

Special thanks to all our volunteers, veterinarians, and vet techs. We could not have done it without you. We added a human clinic as well so thank you to the organizations who provided COVID testing and vaccines.

We have big plans for 2022 which include four clinics throughout Chicago. See you all next year!