This year I wanted to do something extra special for my clients.. New and ones that came with me from my previous shop. When I started this business I didn’t know if I’d have any business at all. Starting your own business is scary but you just gotta do it. And man oh man did yall show up for me🥺 From day one I’ve been flooded by support and I can’t tell you guys what that means to me🥺 I appreciate you all more than I’ll be ever able to express❤️ Even though I have gave out/sent most of these in the mail, I wanted to post them all too in case any of you wanted to make the prints bigger or whatever you wanna do with them. I tried to make most of them a little zoomed out so they could be cropped however you want. THANK YOU SO MUCH to each any every one of you, you are amazing! P.S. thanks for letting me love your dogs- they make my heart so full!🥺❤️