I'm often told that Huskies can not be contained by hidden fences. They CAN be more challenging but with a DogWatch system, proper training and taking it slow at first, it's definitely doable! Here's a message from one our recent installs who has SIX Huskies total enjoying their new freedom!
Hi Jan! It's the husky pack Mom-Janet. I call them my 🐾 Paw Patrol. They are doing great with their boundaries!! Staying out most of the day now. A jogger went down the road the other day. They all ran down the driveway and sat in a row quite a ways before the flags and watched him jog by. Pretty impressive! I would think it's safe to say your fence is keeping our Paw Patrol at bay despite the odds being against them. They just had their first birthday on june 13th too.... thought you would want to know in case you want to post it on your site.