I thought this was very informational! A lot of this helped (and continues to help) me with my rabbits' health.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Natural appetite stimulant, great for digestion, general health.
Known to help Cocci preventive and treatment. Aids fertility in does. 1Tsp per gallon or water
Basil (use cautiously) good for itching and inflammation if rubbed on bites. Small amount of leaves can be used for uplifting tonic for exhaustion. Equal parts of juice with natural honey and Wood Betony can be given after birth to prevent retained placenta or afterbirth. NEVER use essential oil internally or external.
Blue Cohosh
Used cautiously only during labor, never give to midterm pregnant does as it will induce pregnancy. Good for stuck kits, hard births, dilates birth canal, good for healing once kits are born.
Appetite stimulant, helps to cool rabbits during hot times of the year. Increases circulation. Good for diarrhea. Safe introductory greens for babies. All parts of plant including fruit (with moderation) are safe and very usable.
Black oil Sunflower seeds
All parts. Great for conditioning fur and body. Good for weight gain. Excellent snack/treat.
Increases milk flow, laxative, helps calm and reduces stress/anxiety. Great treat. Moderation in use due to laxative affects.
chewing and relieving boredom. Some anti inflammatory properties.
Excellent treat, dried or fresh, great source of Potassium. soft on the stomach.
Excellent for soothing body and eyes. great tonic in water. Excellent for calming stressful situations. Use as a compress or tonic for eyes or body. Fresh or dried. Chamomile and fresh natural honey are an excellent tonic for "off rabbits". Possible microbial, anti-fungal and antibiotic properties
Chia (salvia)
High in protein and extremely high in antioxidents (even more than blueberries) Great for keeping hydrated. Great source of single type food. So many benefits its hard to list. Great for humans and all animals.
Works as a digestive aid, helps with wool blockages. use with moderation as it can cause diarrhea in large quantiies which can cause dehydration easily. Calming affect also great source of Vit A, helps support immune systems. Very good for many things.
Expectorant, respiratory issues.
Laxative and good for cuts etc.
Anti-inFlammatory, cuts and aids molt.
One of the best herbs that is out there, most prolific in most areas of the world. Used for many things. Blood purifier, diuretic, milk flow for nursing does, diarrhea, some respiratory ailments. Usually most rabbits will eat even if appetite is not up to normal. Root, leaves, flowers, all parts of plants are usable. In fresh plants the sap is know to stimulate glands especially milk glands. Hence the aid with detoxification. Also has Astringent properties.
Devils Claw
moderation, good for anti-inflammatory in horses and dogs, etc not recommended during pregnancy.
Excellent use for many things. Good immune support and treatment. Low doses is shown to act as a stimulant, higher does acts as a antibiotic. Anti viral properties and some ani-inflammatory. Helps to increase white blood cells, hence aiding sick and ailing animals and humans. Great as a tonic in water and or capsules, animals usually take readily. Fresh plant is not available in many areas, but dried is. Dose depends on quantity of animals and treatments needed.
Elder Flower
Respiratory expectorant and for some fevers. lung health.
As name notes, great for weepy irritated eyes.
Dried, powdered, good for flea and other bug repellant. Good for respiratory issues, although not particularly edible, steamed in water and breathing vapors helps to dilate bronchial passages.
Seeds or plant, good for bloating issues, gas, tonic. Also helps to stimulate milk flow, Caution during early pregnancy.
I don't advocate the use of garlic. In quantities can be toxic to many animals. I have not really seen to many benefits when using it. And with the known toxicity of it, avoid it. Not worth chance in my opinion.
Great treat, helps with fertility in bucks, helps amplify anti-inflammatory herbs and drugs.
Goats Rue
Milk flow in nursing does.
Golden Rod
Great Anti-Inflammatory
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Used in conjunction with raw Pumpkin seeds for worming. 10 drops in a gallon of water for 2 weeks weeks or longer for severe infestations. It will clean out rabbit well. Also has some antiviral, bactericide, fungicide.
Kava Kava
Good for Mental relaxation, focus. Calming. Great for humans horses and other animals. Soothes anxiety.
Lambs Quarter
Noted for worming also. great first greens in early spring. Most adults will reject as plant ages.
Very useful in controlled situations. Not to be used in early to mid pregnancy due to its nature. Good for expelling placenta and helps with stuck kits. Eases blood pressure and acts as a mild tranquilizer with out affecting the brain. Again, caution is to be used when using the plant Does have some mild analgesic properties anti depressant along with many other properties. Lavendar oil (not to be confused to essential oil) is to be used as a aroma therapy or lavender tea.
Lemon Balm
Great herb. anti-bacterial, anti-viral, great for gas and bloating, diarrhea.
Great for digestion inflammation, helps calm stomach and digestion tract. Possible insect repellent know to help repel flies. And other biting insects.
Laxative, helps during molting to prevent wool blockage.
bruises, slow healing wounds and some insect repellent
Diuretic, helps liver and spleen, good for colic and helps to settle nerves
Liver stimulant, good for relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract. Gas, colic and like conditions. Avoid mucous membranes and eye area.
Good for eye wash, weepy eyes
Milk Thistle
Great for detoxifiying liver and kidneys, promotes circulation
Great for humans and animals alike.
Great for circulation and blood flow to all areas of the body. Great for horses, to promote circulation to feet. Helps with milk flow in does.
Great for conditoning, weight gain, extra energy. Caution with babies as they can choke on whole grain.
Great first greens with multiple benefits. Expectorant, reduce phlegm, anti-spasmodic, tones mucous membranes. Great for urinary tract infections.
Great for fertility, enriches the blood, helps with productivity in does.
Great treat, good for digestion, soothes stomach and digestional tract.
Great treat, great Fresh (inner core especially) contains Bromelain which is and enzyme. Good for diarrhea helps to encourage the mucous in GI tract. Helps with hairballs and wool blockage during molting. Also known to help with fertility.
Contains loads of Omega-3 fatty acids. Possibly lowers cholesteral. Good green. Prolific in most areas.
All parts of the plant. Used for ease of delivery, conditioning during pregnancy. Fruit is a great treat. leaves are good for greens and stems for chewing.
Red Clover
Great food, weepy eye, dried and small amounts of fresh.
Rose Hips
Great for Vit C, great for stimulating appetite. Dried, fresh, ground into tea. Great for immunity in all mamals
Lowers blood pressure, good for exhaustion and weakness. Leaves and stems invigorate circulation system. Fresh, dried.
Safflower seed
High in good fats, great for condition. Good source of fat and protein for birds (helps feather conditions) helps with dry itchy skin.
Use carefully, dried and powdered good for insect/flea repellent. Helps to reduce lactation in does being weaned. Not to be used during pregnancy or kindling. Used as a uterine stimulant.
Shepherds Purse
Uterine disorders, strong medicine. Also used in horses for pulmonary bleeding during exertion.
Cooling and soothing. good treat in summer.
very good in trace minerals and vit. Caution in rabbits as it is high in calcium. But very good for horses, humans and birds love it.
Great treat. whole plant is antiseptic and cooling. Plant is rich in iron, possible to help prevent miscarriage. Soothing poultice to rashes and skin irritations and eyes.
Good for deep chest infections. Digestive remedies helps with stomach aches. Expell worms. Caution as Thyme is a uterine stimulant in bigger doses and can cause premature birth. Caution with Thyme oil.
Uva Ursa
Helps detox kidneys and liver. Great for urinary tract. Great use for horses and animals that have been on lengthy medications. Good for rabbits. 1 leave for large size or small to half for smaller. Can be made into tea to ad to water.
Valerian Root
Powder or root, great for calming and focus. Tea or herb.
Willow (white)
Known for reducing pain. Tea or branches to chew on. Also used for intestinal inflammation. Good winter food, and possible natural Coccidiostat.
Yunnan Biayao
Excellent for hemorrhaging wounds, natural antibiotic, antiviral. Not actually sure about use on rabbits, but excellent for animal wounds, using on horses for Pulmonary bleeding during exertion. Wounds on humans. Great to help stop bleeding.
Canned pumpkin (NOT KIND FOR pre Mix pie) put into a syringe and give about 2tspns every 3 to 4 hours or 4 to 6 times a day for sluggish GI tract, dry p**p. Great for getting GI tract moving again. Can be thinned down with honey water to help hydrate.
Any diuretic will help cleanse and increase urine flow to help bladder sludge (high calcium intake in rabbits) Dandelion (best), cranberry, Milk thistle, can be made into teas to help rabbits increase urine output.
Rice bran, Coconut oil/meal, flax, Black oil sunflower all very good treats and help improve fur, and body condition. pinch of each every day until desired affect is achieved.
Banana chips, Encourage appetite for weak, thin bunnies
Coconut chips/ fresh or dried.
Dried or fresh apple (no seeds) in small quantities
carrots are good in small quantities, full of water too.
Fresh grass (caution if not used to it)
(**) denotes difficult herbs to find or seasonal.
More to add in the next few days.