This is Yams, one of Baby Carrots babies!
Yams will need a foster home in the next 6 weeks. We can also do foster-to-adopt.
Call Nicole at 715.379.3189.
Foster homes needed for babies starting in April!
Baby rabbits is something we do not have here. They are so cute but I carry an immense amount of heartbreak at the thought of them not being well cared for.
We do the best we can to find the perfect homes. Background checks, vet references, home visits, education, support. It is hard work and not without stress.
These babies deserve the best homes.
Call Nicole at 715.379.3189 if you would like to foster or foster-to-adopt.
If you missed the story about Baby Carrots, here it is!
This tiny lady came to us after being snapped up by a social worker who found her running around the neighborhood of one of her clients here in Chippewa Falls. The client stated a neighbor dumped the young bun.
I took her in because the she was starving and clearly pregnant. I had her see our vet and pregnancy was confirmed. Unfortunately, it was too late to terminate the pregnancy.
Baby Carrots birthed six babies but unfortunately one passed due to failure to thrive. I am closely monitoring the remaining five.
Baby Carrots will be fixed once the babies are weaned and then available for adoption to a home where she will be safe and warm for the rest of her days.
Her babies will be placed in homes where they will only experience love, never fear or starvation.
Baby Carrots' babies are doing well. Spots are starting to show. I am happy her and the babies are safe, warm, and have lots of food and water. I am sad because someone dumped her in this condition.
- Nicole
Going to the vet makes a lady hungry!
When Lola first came to us she was so scared that no one could touch her. Now she gladly accepts head pets! This magical transformation is here because of her fantastic foster!
Foster homes are what make us successful!!
Dolly is a new intake.
This lady has A LOT of fluff! We had a mini groom session this morning because her hair his very high maintenance and attracts hay easily. There is more work to be done!
Welcome to Hoppy House, Dolly!
The people from Wausau who were behind us during our cruise had awesome lights! Check this out...
Great reel from today's fundraising cruise!