I guess that escalated quickly….
Hear the peeps??? 🐥🐥🐥🐥 new baby chick day! With more this weekend. ❤️
#harpershenhouse #farmfresheggs #eggs #allthebabychicks2023 #babychicks #raisingchicks #chickdays
Our first baby is officially hatched! 🐣❤️
We have multiple of their eggs that have started the hatching process and hopefully everyone is hatched out and nice and fluffy within the next 24 hours!
Keep checking back for more HATCHdates!
#harpershenhouseohio #hatchingseason #chickdays #firsthatch2023 #clutch2023 #hatchdate
Babies are brewing! 😍 🐣 #firstclutchof23 #hatchingeggs #babychickens #boosteggproduction