Lots of practice and role playing during the go home. Bonnie is a stubborn one. Holding her accountable for everything right out of the gate is so important to establish leadership.
Nala, Bonnie and Clyde finished up their board and train and their family was here this weekend from Michigan to learn as much as possible to prepare for them at home.
A little free roaming and they are making good choices with some direction at times. Build in an on/off for your dog. Teach them how to turn it off.
Calm on command. No rushing to the door when it opens.
Is your home chaotic with dogs doing whatever they want, getting into your stuff, getting into fights, not listening to you?
Take back your life!! Your dog is not in charge. You are!!!
Need help?? Call us 513-507-0037
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Let’s give it a try with the 3 of them 😳
Not bad for the first try. Nala was a little confused but figured it out!
Excuse the dog hair. This that have Shepherds can feel our pain. Haven’t vacuumed yet today 😂
Check out Nala and Clyde, off leash recall to kennels!
Bonnie and Clyde hanging out at the park, chillin, minding their own business. Bonnie was highly dog/animal reactive. We aren’t seeing that behavior at all anymore.
With training and the structure we have provided, she has learned to be calm, confident and make good decisions.
We ran into a recent 1:1 client out walking their dog, doing great! Saw them working on some recall around distractions. So great seeing folks soak up the info and put it to work. It doesn’t have to take hours upon hours. Just be consistent, don’t let the small stuff slide and train the behaviors you want.
How do you watch football and train dogs on a Sunday afternoon?
So…. This is a big deal for these dogs!
Nala (light colored) has been living in the home separated from Bonnie and Clyde due to aggressive behaviors that required Bonnie to have surgery.
So this is a big step for these three!
This is the first time in a long time they have been this close to Nala.
Structure, structure, structure is how we got here.
Teddy the lab arrived today to board for a week or so. Bonnie the GS has been with us 2 weeks. Family informed us she was highly animal reactive. After much structure and leadership Bonnie met Teddy and it went well. Did they smell each other’s butt or come nose to nose? Absolutely not. They hung out walked around, maintained their own space and existed around each other calmly. No nonsense!
Stop putting your dogs in uncomfortable situations where they might not know how to react. Some dogs just can’t handle the pressure.
Role play in a safe environment. We have been reintroducing Bonnie, Clyde and Nala and in order to be safe we have Nala on a tie back as Bonnie moves through.
Always safety first. Watch for cues the dog is loading, timing is so important in correcting unwanted behaviors.