Red Rooster wasp fish - this cute little guy was having a staring contest with me, and was very confused as to why there was no food dropping into the tank 😐 They stay rather small, only getting around 3". Tiny fish and inverts may be eaten. Otherwise, they're pretty good with most fish around their size. 2"+ $89
#waspfish #saltwateraquarium #marinefish #angelfish #gobyfish #clownfish #bluehookaquatics #staringcontest
This is a quick video of all the many new saltwater fish that we've got in stock. I tried to keep it brief, so hopefully you can get a good enough idea of what everything is. If you've got questions on what a specific fish is, just ask and leave the time stamp when it appears.
#bluehookaquatics #marinefish #saltwateraquarium #triggerfish #angelfish #clownfish #cardinalfish #pufferfish #tangfish #waspfish #gobyfish #sandsifter #blenny #butterflyfish
Here are some of our beautiful Neon Tetras and Harlequin Rasboras. If you're looking for a peaceful schooling fish for a tank with smaller fish, these will work great!! They do well in groups of at least 6, but more is always better. Neon $5.50, 12 for $60. Harlequin $4
#neontetra #tetrafish #harlequinrasbora #rasbora #danio #guppyfish #peacefulfish #dwarfcichlid #plantedaquarium #shrimptank #freshwaterfish #pleco #bluehookaquatics
Vampire shrimp just chilling and gathering in food at feeding time! These get up to 4.5-5" and are a peaceful as they come. They're in with endlers and they get along great. Don't put them in with anything that might take a bite out of them!! 3.5-4" $30
#vampireshrimp #shrimptank #freshwatershrimp #communityfish #peacefulfish #guppies #tetrafish #danio #ramcichlid #dwarfcichlid #fishtank #bluehookaquatics
We've got a LOT of nice guppies and endlers in stock. If you're looking for something small, and colorful, these will do the job! Neither get much more than 1". We've got just about all males at the moment.
#guppyfish #guppies #endler #nanofish #nanotank #freshwatershrimp #plantedaquarium #danio #tetrafish #fishofinstagram #bluehookaquatics #aquariumhobby
Rare Zebra Pikes destroying bloodworms! These guys are about 4" and growing quickly. Also eating Northfin bugpro, and some cichlid pellets. If you don't know what these look like when they're adults, you need to look it up!!! Gorgeous gold body, with red fins, and mouth/gill are, worth their Zebra stripes on the back half of the body. Only 5 available. $250/ea, or all 5 @ $200/ea
#zebrapike #pikecichlid #southamericancichlids #centralamericancichlids #bigcichlids #cichlidsofinstagram #severum #aggressivecichlids #bluehookaquatics #freshwaterfish
We've got more axolotls in stock. Two big healthy fat ones! Both are around 7"+ $70/ea
We've got some great sized clown loaches in stock. 3-3.5"+ $41, 3 or more $36/ea
Pictus catfish - if you're in need of a larger, active catfish, then these are the one for you. As you can see they are phenomenal bottom cleaners, and they continue to be active even after feeding time. This particular type can get up to 10-12", and they mix rather well with most semi aggressive to aggressive fish. They can be mixed with peaceful fish as long as they're big enough to not be considered food (we had these housed with 2" rainbows with no issues). 4-5"+ $27
#catfish #pictuscatfish #cichlids #cichlidsofinstagram #southamericancichlids #centralamericancichlids #communityfish #rainbowfish #bottomfeeder #cleanupcrew #freshwaterfish #aquariumhobby #bluehookaquatics
Hemichromis exsul - we've only got a limited supply of these left, but as you can see two have paired off and are "trying" to raise fry. An arduous task considering the other fish they're sharing the tank with. $42 for the pair.
#hemichromisexsul #jewelfish #africancichlids #cichlids #cichlidsofinstagram #freshwaterfish #aquariumhobby #bluehookaquatics
We've added a large section to our saltwater tanks over the past month, and we have it fully stocked; so stop in and check out all the new fish! Here you can see our purple tang, harlequin tusk, blue spotted puffer, and the blue jaw trigger (he's being a little camera shy).
#marinetank #saltwateraquarium #saltwaterfish #tangfish #pufferfish #triggerfish #harlequintusk #purpletang #bluejawtrigger #bluehookaquatics
Texas cichlid - we've got some nice sized Texas cichlids in stock. Here you can see two that have paired off, and would be breeding already if there weren't so many fish in this tank. These are 4.5-6"+ $37/ea
#texascichlid #southamericancichlids #centralamericancichlids #bigcichlids #aggressivecichlids #aggressivefish #freshwaterfish #aquariumhobby #bluehookaquatics #plecostomus #catfish
Mpimbwe blue Frontosa - we have a nice sized group of these at the store, and as you can see they're looking great. As they get larger, they continue to get more and more blue on the fins and the body. These are already in the 3.75-4.25" range, $70
#frontosa #bluefrontosa #tanganyikancichlids #bigcichlids #hapcichlid #malawicichlids #africancichlids #synodontis #bluehookaquatics #fishkeeping
True parrot fish - these are the real deal, original parrot cichlid Hoplarchus psittacus. These are tank raised and currently in regular Cincinnati tap water. When they get larger they get a very nice green coloration to the body. They mix well with other large semi aggressive South/Central American cichlid; such as Geophagus, Severum, Acaras, etc. These are pushing 4"! $65
#trueparrotcichlid #southamericancichlids #centralamericancichlids #plecostomus #pleco #geophagus #severumcichlid #angelfish #freshwaterfish #rainbowfish #fishkeeping #bluehookaquatics
Parkinsoni rainbow - we have a nice sized group of this beautiful rainbow. These make a great addition to a planted tank, or any community tank that you'd like to get more activity into. All fish are 3"+ $42/pair, $48/trio.
#rainbowfish #parkinsonirainbowfish #plantedtank #corydoras #communityfishtank #peacefulfish #angelfish #tetrafish #aquariumhobby #bluehookaquatics #geophagus #freshwaterfishtank #pleco
Ocellaris peacock bass and long fin Oscars attacking freeze dried shrimp. Those popping noises that you can hear (not the bubbles) are the fish hitting the surface of the water. All fish 4-5"
#peacockbass #oscarfish #longfinoscar #predatorfish #southamericancichlids #bluehookaquatics
Here's a quick video of all our new saltwater fish. We have a LOT of fancy designer clown fish in stock from 1-3". We also have a very nice yellow tang, and some big blennies!
#saltwaterfish #clownfish #orangestormclownfish #platinumclownfish #yellowtang #bluehookaquatics