Red Rooster wasp fish - this cute little guy was having a staring contest with me, and was very confused as to why there was no food dropping into the tank 😐 They stay rather small, only getting around 3". Tiny fish and inverts may be eaten. Otherwise, they're pretty good with most fish around their size. 2"+ $89
#waspfish #saltwateraquarium #marinefish #angelfish #gobyfish #clownfish #bluehookaquatics #staringcontest
This is a quick video of all the many new saltwater fish that we've got in stock. I tried to keep it brief, so hopefully you can get a good enough idea of what everything is. If you've got questions on what a specific fish is, just ask and leave the time stamp when it appears.
#bluehookaquatics #marinefish #saltwateraquarium #triggerfish #angelfish #clownfish #cardinalfish #pufferfish #tangfish #waspfish #gobyfish #sandsifter #blenny #butterflyfish
Here are some of our beautiful Neon Tetras and Harlequin Rasboras. If you're looking for a peaceful schooling fish for a tank with smaller fish, these will work great!! They do well in groups of at least 6, but more is always better. Neon $5.50, 12 for $60. Harlequin $4
#neontetra #tetrafish #harlequinrasbora #rasbora #danio #guppyfish #peacefulfish #dwarfcichlid #plantedaquarium #shrimptank #freshwaterfish #pleco #bluehookaquatics
Vampire shrimp just chilling and gathering in food at feeding time! These get up to 4.5-5" and are a peaceful as they come. They're in with endlers and they get along great. Don't put them in with anything that might take a bite out of them!! 3.5-4" $30
#vampireshrimp #shrimptank #freshwatershrimp #communityfish #peacefulfish #guppies #tetrafish #danio #ramcichlid #dwarfcichlid #fishtank #bluehookaquatics
We've got a LOT of nice guppies and endlers in stock. If you're looking for something small, and colorful, these will do the job! Neither get much more than 1". We've got just about all males at the moment.
#guppyfish #guppies #endler #nanofish #nanotank #freshwatershrimp #plantedaquarium #danio #tetrafish #fishofinstagram #bluehookaquatics #aquariumhobby