🌟 Did You Know?
- Therapeutic riding improves physical, mental, cognitive, and social well-being for our students.
- This year we’re going to try a few new things for our groups.
- One thing we’re going to do is more special needs riding. Volunteers would be great welcomed!!
We’d love some of our student’s input.
- We’d love to work with more veterans and first responders as well.
To our current groups: 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Would you guys like more ground work training with horses?
Would you like to see some smaller ponies to work with?
Would you like to see some goat’s possibly?
We want to offer something for everyone if possible. You guys are our family. We want to do the best we can do for you.
Our students are our first priority!!! So please help us with how we can help you more.
Thank you to all of you!! We love each of you!!! Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season..
We can’t wait to grow with you all!!!
God bless all of you!