The new sales horse Bishop (JC: All I Ask Of You), lunging in his evening workout. Mayyyybe a Hunter in the making? 🤔 #ChanDor #Bishop #saleshorse #ottb
First work with the new horse 🐎 Wyatt (JC Quite a Stepper).
#2 Owen. Up & coming eventing horse. #ChanDor #Owen #ottb #greypony #classicalfoundationtraining
#1 Saturday workout. Moves Like Jagger, 10yo ottb gelding. I'm looking ro so lower level dressage with him. #ChanDor #jagger #ottb #classicalfoundationtraining #dressageottb
I can't say enough about this handsome boy, King George. He was amazing at his show today... it was Mommy who messed things up 😒. FYI: George is available for lease. Thank you
Owen competing at his very first show! I'm so proud of this boy❤
The handsome CDE King George. He was feeling a little frisky due to the fact that his "brother" Sly was walking around the arena. George has competed at Intro Level dressage & he is available for lease.
My rib is feeling better (starting week 3 of healing) so I'm getting the boys back to work. #ChanDor #Owen #ottb #classicalfoundationtraining #greypony #wheresmyneck
George's morning workout #ChanDor #georgehorse #dressage